AK, thanks for sharing this. This a great breakdown for me and others to read that expresses from your perspectives while seeking your own way onto the transformation path. Before reading this I had no concept that anyone attempting to or is going through there own personal transformation would flow for them in this manner. I am in no way insinuating its right or wrong and besides, who am I to determine that for you or anyone anyway, I'm not qualified to do so, nor is any other either.
The best I can offer up is how it is and has gone for me and if what I write resonates to you, grab onto it, transform that bit of information and make it your own. The second best bit of information are the first thoughts that popped in and back out of my mind as I read what you wrote.
For me-> I do not think, it just muddles up my mind and slows my progress down, often to a crawl and even with a solution I may have thought up I have found myself more times than not revisiting the same issue at a later
Replied on Conspiracies, conspiraciesI just came...
Apr 01 at 03:39 AM
date. Now this may sound crazy as hell to you for me to say, but AK, just look at all the thoughts you are investing into this? For me, consider it this way. Inside my head is a mature forrest for when the wind blows the tops of the trees move in sync and on the forrest floor there is endless clear pathways to walk on a padded forrest floor beneath my feet from the years fallen leaves. Again, for me if I were to put in that forrest these considerations you wrote above would be equilvalent to my forrest floor being riddled with heavy under growth of briars and vines I'd have to cut my way through.
Of course, a good question would be how to clear your mind of undergrowth? The thing we all must first own up to is that all of us on this journey are people who have availed themselves on helping others. You must adopt the fact, this is one thing that you must put yourself first with and leave it tottally up to others to find their own way. It is only natural for us to want to pull up as