Stephanie Rice

Jan 18 at 05:49 PM

luis lobatomaybe "this crap" is something YOU already knew, but I ASSURE you and your ignorant if not out rude statement is far from correct.  Any INFORMATION which can be used to further one's knowledge, is ANYTHING but crap. And anyone truly seeking truth, would NEVER refer to any knowledge, regardless if you agree with it or not, as CRAP. Only shows your personal inability to grow. And that makes me sad for you. 


Jan 18 at 05:38 PM

Clearly she learned nothing from this. You closed minded view on things is exactly what the powers that be, want from a good sheep (aka puppet) and you've shown that you are only able to see things from one perspective.. Did you actually take time to go research what you could do to get this info for free? Clearly, you didn't. What you did do however was be COMPLETELY judgemental, SHAMING a man who's put his literal life in DANGER to give you this info, and your pure laziness to do anything on your own makes you lash out at ppl you should be extremely thankful for . Shame on him? No, no.... SHAME ON YOU!!
