tina winters

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Feb 22 at 01:06 PM

Josh Rogers What you say is true. There are many others who say these same things. I pray for your safe keeping. There is a reason you learn the things you have learned about what's really going on. I assure you, you are not crazy! There are more of them than there are of us. Save our children!


Feb 22 at 12:52 PM

100% truth right there!


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 22 at 10:51 AM

Solo Mike Z WWG1WGA!

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 22 at 10:50 AM

tina winters yes, Yellow Rose FOR Texas, not Yellow Rose of Texas...:)

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 22 at 10:49 AM

Victoria Nicole Green That is wonderful! Everything is upside down and backwards. If the government pushes something like healthy eating... always look at it as it is the exact opposite! Like the food pyramid, if you turn it upside down, you will have the proper info. THEY SAY butter and bacon fat is bad for us, but our arteries have to have butter and bacon fat to keep our arteries clear of blockages. Pray to the Creator of All, that you want to do everything right but so much is hidden by Satan that it is hard for you to find the truth. Ask for discernment and pray hard on this, you will receive confirmation that you won't be able to deny is directly from the "Creator of All" and meant directly at you! This happened as I was praying while mopping my kitchen floor one afternoon. He said, Tina, if I can make provisions for Adam & Eve, how much more so for you my beloved?


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 22 at 10:25 AM

Lindy Clapper check out the "Yellow Rose for Texas" you tube channel. If you can understand the information she is trying to convey in a very hidden way, you will have the ability of discernment. This is a treasure above all treasures to have... discernment!


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 22 at 10:20 AM

Lindy Clapper Start off by reading books and watching videos on the different subjects concerning alternate Spirituality and history. I studied the Bible religiously(no pun intended) for a decade, then I felt like I wasn't getting something that everyone else understood easily, then I read the book by Zechariah Sitchin called "The 12th Planet." Having a deep knowledge of the Scriptures beforehand really made a huge difference, and then I devoured every book he wrote and everything fell into place for me. I no longer felt like I was missing the message or not getting what I was supposed to "get" from God... I just started watching "Prophet Lovy" on youtube. I can't get enough of him... a few things are annoying in his videos, like the chick who keeps talking to loud in the background, but his knowledge of the spirit world is refreshing and goes well with alternate (but real) Spirituality. David Vose has some killer info in his much older videos on you tube and there is a channel called

Jan 23 at 11:06 PM

Ray is a helpful Soul as is Jesus, but if you really believe in Jesus, search out his real name... there were no names with a J in Jesus' time.
