Audrey Ross

Retired Child Advocate

Mar 22 at 01:41 AM

Again, I don't know. While I do know that we are all connected, we are also consumed by the illusions of being solitary. I think maybe, there are some, who have developed so little empathy, that seeing or hearing or feeling another in pain does not phase them. So, I believe it for the Caring-Limited, Personal Experience of negative situations followed by help or caring from another can help them "Grow a Heart".

Or maybe we should just De-Grinch them. (Sorry, couldn't help it, it's been a rough week.)


Mar 21 at 11:52 PM

I don't know, but I feel that if you harm another, you have also harmed yourself, Our Creator and Every other being in Existence. And the same goes for Loving and Helping.

Mar 10 at 10:10 PM

Have you ever noticed, that those who value their Own Lives Above All Else, value the Lives of Others, far less?


Mar 10 at 09:06 PM

I will leave Forgiveness to those who have been harmed and God.

Now Accountability Is something that we can do and should do. My personal opinion is that Anyone Harming or Murdering Children for Any reason should be Prosecuted for their Crimes, and if found Guilty, should be sent to Maximum Security Prisons for Life.

Those who are found Guilty of Murder, should suffer the same Fate.

I do not believe in Causing Harm. I have Always felt Violence is Wrong, and I have never been in favor of the Death Penalty.

Torturing and Murdering Children, to drink their blood for the Adrenochrome, Changed my Mind, and what I thought were Core Beliefs.

Mar 10 at 08:48 PM

Yes, they have. And they seem quite happy about it. Now they are outlawing food gardens on personal property. What are they worried about? The air and water are so toxified, even homegrown organic foods will still be contaminated, just, maybe, slightly less.

Last time I checked, Genocide was a No No.

If only you were in Northern California.

Feb 28 at 12:42 PM

I have not seen this yet. But I can tell you my opinion.  I have two sons, 48 and 40. I had them both at home. 

No drugs. Lamaze Breathing. Birth Without Violence, based on Dr.  Leboyer's book, the delivery performed by a doctor who had been doing home deliveries for 40 years.

And I am honored that these People as well as others, helped me to start my Family.