Audrey Ross

Retired Child Advocate

Apr 27 at 10:24 PM

Some months I can pay, and evidently, some months I can not. When I can, I will and When I can not...I'll miss ya!

Apr 23 at 05:25 AM

Redding, in Northern California, where you too, can be attacked for Shining Your Light!

Let It Shine, Let It Shine, Let It Shine!

Mar 30 at 10:30 PM

Sherif Osman Lifetime to Lifetime it is hard to Remember Why we are here, Especially once we are "Here".

Here there are Always "Wheels within Wheels". And not for anyone's betterment, that is not "Their" Agenda.

As for an Economic Collapse Being Needed, I don't know about that.

What I do know, is that an Economic Collapse is just part of the Agenda to "Reduce the Excess Population" on the planet to a more Controllable and Malleable Slave Force of People who are so Psychology, Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually Worn Down and Feeling Completely Defeated, so that they will accept whatever *Help*

may be offered to them.

Remember, Klaus Schwab said: *You will own Nothing, and You Will Be Happy.*

I don't own much to begin with.

But I just don't see myself being Happy about Greedy, Heartless People Controlling the Whole Planet and Everyone and Everything on it.

And Yes, I so get that Everything is Purposely being Manipulated by Greedy Selfish People.


Mar 28 at 06:40 PM

#655321 Yes, "Men" should have "Stood Up", a ways back, but So should have the "Women", Also "Stood Up"!

This is Not Just a "Man" or "Woman" thing! This Is a "People Thing"!

And you know, as far as that goes, there are all kinds of different "People". And I don't just mean Humans!

But let's stick to the physical, I have known "Animals" ( you know, fuzzy, four feet, tails, etc ), who exhibited a stronger understanding of right and wrong and that the defenseless, needed to be defended, and they immediately moved to do so, without thought of personal harm; Way ahead of some Humans I have seen.

No matter your circumstances, or how you feel, there really is Always a Silver lining. There is Always Something Beautiful You can choose to focus on.

But if Your Only focus, is that the world has gone to "Hell", Your Life is "Hell" and terrible things happen to Innocent People, then that is exactly, where you will live.

So, take another look around and see what you can do to help.


Mar 28 at 06:12 PM

I disagree. At this point of Consciousness, that which Created All, surely must have a grasp , knowing, understanding of "Good" to "Evil", and everything in between as well as the Illusions that hold sway on the lower levels of physical Creation, but that's just my thought.

Mar 28 at 06:00 PM

Sherif Osman LOL! 😆

As for mass growth, I would think the "Great Invocation" would help.

I didn't know until today, that the words had been revised, I think in 2014.

Anyway, I read the new one and it just didn't feel right or as Powerful as the Original to me.

Probably because I grew up with the Original......Wait a minute! The newer one is "Woke", before we even knew "Woke"!

Check it out!


Mar 28 at 03:15 AM

#655321 Trust and Believe, no matter what it looks like in the Here and Now, there Absolutely is Absolute Accountability, from the Atomic to the Universal levels.

I was once told that Evil, is just the harder path to Learning and Growth.


Mar 28 at 02:59 AM

I keep getting, it's not a race. We are Individualized for a reason.

Good, bad or indifferent, Source Experiences Everything we do, with and through us.

How boring would it be, if we all did exactly the same things, at exactly the same time?

While I Love a lot of people, (and my busybody self hates this), unless I enter into a soul contract with someone to help them, it is not my job to worry about whether or not another is making the Spiritual Progress they agreed to.

My job is to do the best I can to make as much progress as I can. And believe me, that's more than a full time job.

And I just want to mention, that in the Area of Spiritual Growth, coupling that with the fact of your own adult Children, Learning to keep your mouth shut, can be really hard!


Mar 25 at 08:35 PM

Maybe? The problem arises when we try to make any kind of value judgement on another or even ourselves. Most people, are not honest enough, to bare themselves to themselves.

But for arguments sake, I think it might be necessary to speak with a few people who remember a shared past life, in which a large group of people suffered through the same traumas, and see if they agree or not about any of them making exceptional growth.

While I'm sure it looks now like an impossibility to do such a thing, down the road a bit it might be a viable option, but that is of course, if there is an overwhelmingly large ascension group.

A teacher once said to me: Woe be unto him that causes harm or pain to another. But, Woe be unto him who repays the negative Karma.


Mar 25 at 08:18 PM

#655321 Freedom is real. It comes from within, and no one can take it away from you.

Now, Liberty is something different.
