Athena Phoenix

Mar 21 at 05:51 PM

I sungaze since I was a child, I never listened to those saying it was dangerous, it actually is the best way to raise your body's milivolts which are around 20 in an average person but should be around 70 and more, sungazing should be practiced at sunrise and sunset😉

Mar 21 at 03:55 PM

Seriously he's being way to selective, I truly love him and Jason, but they are missing the fact that there are others out there that are giving much more information than them, we already know that the Pyramids are Stargates and Interdimensional Teleportation centers created by the Annunaki of the Sirian Council (the good Annunakis) they were built to protect the Portals of the Inner Earth.

And what he calls the Baraka process we also know how to do it, it's written in the Bible, it's the main Bible Code, the story of the Sacred Secretion, it was discovered already so I don't know why all the secrecy?

And what about the ones that are above TLS, they are called the Guardian Alliance, a mix of the Elohim and other Galactic beings, they are above TLS so why is there no mention of them?

I'm sorry but Ray thinks people are so ignorant but they're not, there's others giving more information than him, so I just don't agree with the silence when this is the time of remembering and ASCENSION

Feb 02 at 04:34 PM

Hi, Brenda good to see you here, it's the same thing for me, I saw a video on YT talking about ways to heal dental issues from home and it's great, but I have some serious dental issues so I knew I need to do something much deeper, so I sent a Manifestation saying show me what I should do, and 1 day later I see this, the Universe answers when we ask. I have no idea where I'm going to be able to find all this here in Switzerland?  But it's a good start to know what we should do, I'm calling my dentist to anulate my next appointment, see you on the Transformation group😉


Feb 02 at 04:26 PM

Great video, it came at the right moment for me, I sent a Manifestation to see something about dental issues and here it is, I saw more than what I needed to see.      I actualy have serious dental issues (and health issues) I saw my dentist last week and she said I have around 10'000$ worth of work to do in my mouth, extractions, root canals you name it, I really didn't want to and started looking up different Holistic detal help but couldn't find anything serious to treat my real problems, here I found the way to help these problems but I'm not in the US I'm in Switzerland, so I'll look if I can do any of this here but I doupt it, it's so sad.😔 Anyways thank for this video it's exactly what I asked for and what I needed to see, I will anulate my rdv at the Dentist 
