Athena Phoenix

Aug 02 at 09:58 AM

Tracey Rieckers Yes, well he's bound by secrecy who knows for what reason (apparently TLS won't let him say more) but that's not very ethical for the times we are going through, "The Grand Awakening, The Shift of the Ages, The Consciousness Era, call it what you want, it's happening and no one can stop it, the more you hold back the more your giving in to tge ones who don't want us to remember."

Like I said there are many others out there with far more information than him, who are not holding back and who are not keeping any secrets, if you seek you shall find, I have found. There are the ones above TLS called "The White Brotherhood" or "The Order of Melchizedek" The One called Jesus was a High Prist of the Order of Melchizedek (just saying) and Buddha and many others that reached the highest levels of being where members of what is called "The White Brotherhood" if you are interested in infinite information, look at the books I mentioned above, or at this one called "The Great White Brotherhood and the Order of Melchizedek" by Frater Ashad, it brought me to the path of becoming a Melchizedek Priestess (currently studying) but this is the reason we incarnated here timeless times, only to become One with our GodSelf the Creator within.

I dont know what level of Awakening you're at but this will definitely take you to the next level of Spiritual Ascension.

I don't know if we can do private chats here, so if you ever want to chat, I'm on FB or Insta


Jul 26 at 06:19 PM

R Hi, well Billy Carson and David Icke will give you a small portion of the Truth, they are missing so much vital information that you can be guided to find elsewhere.

I personally believe that danger is only dependent on our level of Consciousness, and that the more power we believe they have the more power they will get.

There are some people that are on a totally other level of Consciousness and they do not FEAR anything or anyone, Fear is a Mind-Control trick, but these people have Control over their Minds and they Fear no one. If you want to look into some of this pure source of Infinite Information I would suggest you read a few things like: "The Voyagers pt1 and pt2" from Ashayana Deane. Or, : "The White Brotherhood and the Order of Melchizedek" from Frater Ashad. Or, : "The GodSelf" from Patricia Jepsen Chuse. Or, : "The GodMan, the Word Made Flesh" from George Carey, and there's more... These books tell you about Billions of years of our Forbidden History, or how to accomplish the (what Ray calls) the "Baraka Process" and reach your God like State of Being. Like I said these people give this information because they're not afraid of anything they're on a higher level of Consciousness where negative Thoughts like FEAR can't affect them, this is a place we should all seek to reach.

May 17 at 05:28 PM

Sarah Mason Hi Sarah, yes I agree everyone knows as much as they should for the place they're in, I'm not judging anyone, there is always something else to learn no one knows everything.

But I personally was annoyed when he says that he can't say more, or when he says people will think I'm crazy or no one will understand etc. Meaning that he thinks that people are less aware than many already are, and I never mentioned myself when I talked about this, I was referring to books and websites of people that are giving all the information they know, which is more information than what Ray is giving. And I believe I mentioned the different places where you can find this info, so anyone who is interested can check it out, it was never about me already knowing all of this, it was about others saying more than him, I think he is holding back to much or simply saying things that have already been said.

Anyways I never had the intention of talking bad about him I do appreciate him and Jason, otherwise I wouldn't be here, but I was just a bit annoyed after watching the video, sorry

May 17 at 03:39 PM

Michelle I understand what your saying but this clearly has nothing to do with what you call spiritual snobbery, I know very well that nog everyone is on the same level of Awakening or Spiritual discoveries, but nonetheless those who know many things should share as much as they know, and not hold themselves back because they esteemed that people are not ready for it, that is something that could be called Spiritual Snobbery, because they are judging what level they think people are on and they believe that people are not ready to hear more or wouldn't understand more and I don't thik there is place for that kind of judgment coming from them. Like I said there are others giving much more information then Ray ever did, so it just leaves you questioning as to why is he holding back so much?

And I never said it was my knowledge or that I had more knowledge than him, I simply said others are giving more knowledge and I gave books and places where anyone interested could go and gain this knowledge, you see its totally different than the way you understood what I was saying, how is this self serving?

Anyways, I'll watch my words next time I make a comment that way I won't offend anyone it was not intention, I was just rather annoyed by all the secrecy and refusal to speak

May 06 at 05:37 PM

Sorry but this is AI generated, their voices and faces are clearly not saying this, but I believe the Earth has a Fermament and that the Earth is, Flat, Round and Hollow (I mean there is an Under Earth / Inner Earth) and that Interdimensional travel is actually done through Teleportation, not actually going in and out of a Globe moving at light speed around the Sun, I mean come on if Flat Earth is so hard to believe then try and explain to me as a child how in the world is the Earth round? (I never believed in the globe in the way they explained it, and no one could ever answer my questions in a decent way) there is a video where a Freemason explains this perfectly, the Black sun the Firmament, the Under Earth etc the Earth is like 2 upside down bowls therefore it looks round but truly what we're standing on is a flat circle like a CD 💿 there's a hole in the midle in Antarctica that leads to the Under Earth/Inner Earth, everyone dhould definitely watch that video

Apr 23 at 07:40 AM

Sabrina harris It's the life choice that their soul made before they incarnated here on Earth, but eventually everyone will have to Awaken (in this life or the next) because the vibrations and energy of the planet is being Elevated so the upgrade is inevitable

Apr 04 at 07:47 PM

Simone Gisondi Yes just type Ascension Glossary on internet and you'll fall on it, there's so much information there so maybe you wont agree with everything you see there, but as the information is so profound and so complex you'll see it just has to be authentic

Anderson Mason Hi Anderson what is the subject your interested in talking about?

Hi, for me it's Orion, Lyran and Atlantian, I have memories of Atlantis and Ancient Egypt, but Orion and Lyran is seemingly to far to remember 😅 but I know that I have connections to there

Mar 22 at 06:23 PM

Elena muravitski Hi, yes there are a few, look up Matias Gustavo de Stefano and what he remembers about Atlantis he literally speaks Atlantian, and he remembers and knows what goes on beyond dimensions.

Then there is the Ascension Glossary, in there you can find the true history of humanity dating back millions of years even from the very beginning when there was nothing but Consciousness, this is the biggest source of information of our time literally there is so much information so you should start by reasurching things on there that interest you the most, this is an online site.

Then there is books tons of books I could name the best but believe me if you just start by these two that I mentioned you will already have more than enough information of above and beyond
