Elena muravitski

Mar 22 at 12:36 PM

Oh same! You said it. I think I would fit in perfectly, since I def share the same mindset as the organization and Ray. The funny part is we may be approached without knowing about it


Mar 22 at 12:34 PM

Wherw can this information be found from those others giving more. Can you share a reference ?


Mar 22 at 09:50 AM

Do you have any tips on how to succeed in meditating

Mar 22 at 09:49 AM

I never succeeded to meditate. I tried over many years. Any guidance you have for me Jason / Ray ?

Mar 22 at 09:41 AM

Lucky you i wish my hubby was into this as much as me


Mar 22 at 09:41 AM

Ray is the coolest being I've ever known of :) that's a fact


Replied on Third Eye Spies

Mar 13 at 01:44 PM


Mar 12 at 10:41 AM

Ray ia absolutely wonderful. I was TO BE recruited by TLS ♡ i have what it takes


Mar 12 at 10:36 AM

RAY is still human. He has moods, insecurities, bad days, good days and that's how his state can shift too. That's ok. I find it amusing to see his realness. I truly enjoy his personality 100%


Feb 17 at 07:04 PM

Donald Combs omg thank you!
