Sarah Mason

Apr 28 at 12:57 AM

Sarah Mason unifyd***

Apr 28 at 12:56 AM

Not to be rude in anyways but I feel like so many people on this thread are being very ignorant and having expectations that are a little to high. I see a few people on here saying (in other words) “we already know all this” and the things he saying isn’t giving anything of substance ect ect. I completely disagree, I’m very knew to all this information and everything I’m learning from inifyd, and ray, I’m finding extremely informative, it’s awakening me even further then I thought I already was (to higher levels of awareness and a greater understanding of different perspectives of existence). Just because we all aren’t at the level of most of you on here, doesn’t mean this information isn’t informative, it’s all perspective, isn’t it? I understand so many of you are frustrated at wanting to understand it all, but what if there is a plan and we aren’t meant to know it all just yet, if everything is as it should be at this time, then nothing is wrong, right?
