
Replied on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

May 17 at 04:22 PM

oh bite me and get off this forum -please

May 17 at 02:09 PM

Sarah Mason -Exactly !!

May 17 at 02:08 PM

Athena Phoenix yes but we are not all at the same stages of awareness are we ..?! sorry but what ?! How can you say those things -we don’t all know so ..stop it with your self serving spiritual snobbery towards your fellow humans and show some compassion .Share your knowledge ,spread the word . no one will want to listen to you ,speaking like that -totally missing the point lol .Spiritual snobbery nonetheless!😤🤣


May 17 at 01:57 PM

Hi Jesse ,i have been looking for help and a way out of my addictions ,i have avoided coming to terms with myself for too long now .i am ready & i want to free my body and soul so i can continue on my mission . I am in Sydney Australia. My Name is Michelle Cowan (Dragonwood87@gmail.com) i really hope to hear from you . Blessings 🙌🙏🏼💜
