I personally had never even heard of half of this stuff either until my spiritual Awakening started a couple of years ago. It's impossible for me to hear terminologies and not fully understand what they mean so I started "randomly" coming across pertinent content on my YouTube feed. This signifies to me that there must be some significance personally related to my journey. No matter what, it ALL ties together and crucial for every single one of us walking this planet today. We have Cosmic energies, solar/lunar energies, planetary energies, both ours and other people's to decipher so it just keeps going on and on and on for me. Then you throw in the ancient civilizations, cultures, mythologies, until you're mentally overwhelmed. All I know for sure is EVERYTHING that is written about is based on some "version" of Truth; CREATION ITSELF IS CHAOS after all. I just started with Googling a full list of archetypes with descriptions of each. You'll identify with specific ones immediately I assure you, while others are/and will be very elusive.

Commented on 💫💫💫

Jun 07 at 08:06 PM



Adam Peter O'Neill I myself relate more with the Starseeds so I completely understand what you're saying because I have had similar "visions" I guess you could say. It is amazing to me how since I started really questioning who am I REALLY AM, IT IS QUITE APPARENT THAT THIS RABBIT HOLE GOES VERY DEEP. Some of it really blows my hair back but I KNOW it is TRUTH. What's more profound is I FEEL ENERGIES of VERY SPECIFIC people entering my life that can attest to some of the things that I have documented. The same concept applies with specific places as well. We definitely are on a REAL Pinnacle for change. It's about dang time right?


This is a multi-universe battle that we are currently under so there ARE going to be MANY from various ancient civilizations and THE GALAXY HERSELF as agreed upon long long ago...

Jun 07 at 05:53 PM

It has been known that people get downloads like that and actually can fluently speak multiple languages with ease although in this lifetime, have never learned it. I believe we all have something to contribute to the whole and all of our stories are basically the same yet unique at the same time. I have already had the inclination that as I continue to progress on my spiritual journey that I will soon start encountering people and visiting specific places that I've always been drawn to that will open up other areas of my gifts that are yet to be discovered and utilized. Everything happens when it's meant to not a minute sooner. For the first time in my life I look forward to my future and am running FULL SPEED TOWARDS IT WITH OPEN ARMS 😅

Jun 07 at 05:41 PM

Well welcome beautiful soul sister 🫂🫴🫱🫲🤝🫳 I have always been different than the average person and I'm no longer afraid to step into my power and be who I truly came here to be. I have always longed for a little Community out in the middle of nowhere with people just like me living off the grid and away from all the nonsense. How little did I know then that I have already created it before reality caught up. I too am an empty nester; not in a bad way I absolutely love being alone because I am able to fully connect with what makes me happy. Rather than the many many years my main concern was other people's happiness and mine kind of just went on the back burner. NOW IS MY TIME AND I WILL BE SETTING OUT ON THE FIRST BRANCH OF MY NEW JOURNEY AND INFINITE POSSIBILITIES. HOPEFULLY WE WILL ALL BE ABLE TO TALK ABOUT THE THINGS WE'VE ENDURED WHEN WE ALL MEET RIGHT?

Jun 07 at 05:38 PM

Faith Yeah can you imagine vibing so highly that nobody wants to part ways when it wraps up??? I am yearning for my soul family, MY TRUE AUTHENTIC PEOPLE. It can be a real lonely road out here on these spiritual streets 🫶🫶🫶

Jun 07 at 05:32 PM

Faith just over the past year I have been exploring ways to be a part of something that means something and literally getting together and sharing our experiences and stories and laugh and have fun and sing and dance. I was literally just brainstorming all the ideas that I was intuiting and that were resonating with my true essence and I was even trying to come up with a name for our little Collective Earth Party🥳 🎉 🥳 🎉 ONLY ONE CONDITION WHEN IT HAPPENS THOUGH: NOBODY IS WELCOME THAT PARTICIPATES IN DARK MAGIC OR ANY OF THIS FAKE SPIRITUALNESS THAT IS OUT HERE SO RAMPANT NOW. PERIOD.


Jun 07 at 05:19 PM

I am very happy that you shared your experience and had the courage to put these people in their place. It is necessary that these things be brought to people's attention because it's such a fad these days. I have done the same thing but not the being scammed part. These fake people are materializing and making a bad name out of the truly gifted ones that are out here. In fact, we ALL have INNATE gifts; it's just a matter of BELIEVING within ourself and making a conscious effort to learn specific tools that personally makes sense to you and you can put into practice. I have always known I'm gifted and I have a really hard time putting a price tag on information that is NECESSARY for us to live to our fullest potential. In my perfect world 🌍 any monetary value I could ever gain would be used to grow our own food to stop poisoning our bodies, end homelessness by building houses 🏘️ together, holistic/energy healing etc. I can go on and on because that's the way it was meant to be done; FREEDOM TO LIVE & ENJOY LIFE rather than just merely surviving to make it through another s***** day.


Jun 07 at 03:54 PM

Yes sister we all have unique gifts to contribute it's just a matter of unburying them within us
