Apr 29 at 05:52 PM

Jada Carter every plant I get I exchange energy with them and ask them to tell me their names. I miss them like the rain sing to them dance around the room with them etc. so beautiful how in tune I am with the beauty all around me

Apr 29 at 04:37 PM

OMG.. this actually reminds me of an experience I had not so long ago. While I was having conversations with my Cosmic Family and deep connection with them, I could see behind the veil. It is very thin with me nowadays I can close my eyes and still see things around me very vividly. In this situation I seen a home and as I turned my head all around my room I could see its decorations furniture etc and it just expanded as I mentally scanned it's entirety. As I began to recenter to myself, my eyes focused on an elderly gentleman who looked at me and nodded, his way of letting me know that he knew I seen him and it was okay. He then smiled at me and I smiled back.

Apr 29 at 04:29 PM

There truly are genuine divine and a multi-dimensional beings around us in plain sight 👀 👀 The phenomenon of eyes wide shut although more and more are becoming more aware and seeing the truth. We truly do live in duality and polarity so does anything else make any kind of sense that we are,as humans, likely NOT the only things existing 🤔🤔🤔

Apr 29 at 03:00 PM

🤣😂🤣😂 Although for me it'd be more like, yay, I thought you'd never get here to take me back home🫂👽🫂👽

Apr 29 at 02:45 PM

Similar to attitude.. truly a small thing that makes a big difference 💞💞


Apr 29 at 11:44 AM

GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽 It's okay there's many many others out there that are like us and love us just the way we are💜💜💜

Apr 27 at 05:01 PM

There are signs and sinks all around us in every moment of every day. This comes in various forms so it is very important to keep our eyes open and be paying attention. When we do the path ahead is never wrong nor will it ever be.

Apr 27 at 12:38 PM

Hence why I'm in total hermit mode sitting in a little box of a room 😂🤣😂🤣


Apr 27 at 12:33 PM

All as a matter of perspective and there is no such thing as right or wrong when you look at it from that aspect. We live in a free country AKA free will freedom of speech being I think the two most important rights that we have.


Apr 26 at 10:56 PM

I have never researched it but it is my understanding that this 3D realm we are currently living in is a simulation. Literally like the movie series The matrix hence why it is so often termed as such. I do however agree that we are at a point where more and more are becoming aware of that and are going to have to make a choice. For those not willing to rise above and evolve will veer off into a purgatory stage aka the 4D realm. As for what happens once advanced to the 5D realm I think is completely up to us to determine. Work towards making it happen on Earth perhaps??? A world full of love light and positive energy like it was meant to be?!?
