Diann Bottorff

Prineville, OR, United States

I am super curious about the world 🌎. I love to learn.

Commented on Third Eye Spies

Mar 25 at 10:57 PM

So you think because somebody has a gift that they are evil? Wow you are brainwashed by the government convinced you must be in your 60s or something

Replied on Third Eye Spies

Mar 25 at 10:56 PM

Listening to a manuscript that some dude wrote to control you and leading your life by that is dumb as fuck


I'm ready for whatever happens. I'm at peace with it.

Daddy Dragon well then there's nothing anyone can do about it? The Earth is going to transition regardless nobody can control mother earth she has our true God she is the one we should have all been worshiping the whole time and taking care of


Daddy Dragon I just bought the book and was wondering if the secret you speak of lies in there somewhere?

Daddy Dragon are you talking about the pole shift where the earth is going to start turning the other way which will cause mass destruction? Also do you have the book The secret teachings of all ages?

Daddy Dragon I think everyone that is on this platform understands what's going to happen TLS is not real Ray is not real A lot of the things on this app are real however and the people that know will ascend to the new Earth Don't get your panties in a bunch trying to convince everybody okay Believe me it's stressful I've tried nobody's going to listen people are going to think you're crazy or they're going to think you're wrong either way we all know something's coming and we all are preparing for it in our own way just help the people that want to listen to you okay

Everything deb it says about vibrating higher and is correct we are going to ascend to a whole completely different Earth there's nothing that's going to hurt us because we won't be here when it happens there's a bunch of us that are vibrating in a very high frequency and we will not stay on the bad earth we will extend to the new earth so all your fear mongolian warnings those are for people that don't know what's going on not this this whole entire community of people understand how to ascend

Daddy Dragon oh you're a rapper too now 😅

Daddy Dragon oh but I have such a happy sad life I'm so extremely happy I've manifested everything I've wanted so I'm not a sheep bitch I actually know what's going on and you're wrong You're fucking one of those fear-mongling idiots that's completely wrong