keeper of secrets

Feb 07 at 11:41 PM

If anyone who has followed him as closely as I have, you will know that he has made security videos for Just in case something happens to him like someone from the N.S.A. or the C.I.A. sends a covert opp group to assanate him to keep his mouth shut. These alphabet agencies know that he made security insurances, so that it why he is still alive.

Feb 07 at 10:56 PM

The technology that is used to travel there can destroy the world, it will vaporize the Earth.


Feb 07 at 10:55 PM

My family are the keepers of the secrets there are more people who are a part of this group. They were believed to have all died about 300 years ago. There's a book that was entrusted and my family somewhere down the line and was told not to open this book nor to read it's contents. Ever since then all first borns have been gifted with special gifts to speak with the dead and most of us are advanced Empaths. I'm an advanced medium and Empath. When I was old enough it was explained to me that I am not going crazy that what I'm experiencing is real. I've also have had as much as 3 visitations by beings that are not from Earth. I may have had more than that, but I can't remember. I have been given messages to tell humanity that if we don't stop doing what we are doing to the Earth and if we don't unite as one we are going to be the end of ourselves. Nuclear anilation. Famen. When this happens we will be given the information on how to bend space and time and travel to their planets.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 06 at 10:36 PM

There is an extratorestrial nuclear weapon hidden on the earth, left here by the anunaki. The other one was blown up over Sadam and Gomorrah, the reason why those towns were blown up is because men and women were taking marriage with animal's, that is the real reason why it was destroyed, not because people were having homosexual acts with each other.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 06 at 10:27 PM

The reason why the extratorestrials are going to stop any country from dropping a nuclear weapon on another is because they did this on their planet and they don't want to see us do the same here, I do believe this. Listen people if extratorestrials wanted to kill us it would have been done a long time ago. The anunaki from nuburu a planet in an oblong terjectory came here and created humans to mine gold to put in their atmosphere to warm their planet. We were never expected to live this Long. My family are the keepers of the secrets. A group that is believed to have died out. Over 300 years ago. Most of us are geniuses and have special gifts.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 06 at 10:01 PM

I knew this stuff was happening. I thought my friend was just a conspiracy theorist and I was like yeah, yeah. Now that I hear more and more, I'm starting to think otherwise. Where are they being taken from ( The children) ?


Replied on Dear diary

Feb 05 at 10:16 PM

You must know about Steven Greer.


Replied on Dear diary

Feb 05 at 10:14 PM

Did you know that 999 is really Satan's number, not 666. Research it I'm sure you will find something about it.


Feb 05 at 10:10 PM

If you believe in that crap about Yashua (Jesus) then you definitely live life wearing blinders and have your head stuck in the ground. Since you believe in the crap that you were programmed to believe in, I'll sell you some beach front property in Arizona for a hell of a deal, I guarantee that you could not find it for a better price.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 05 at 09:56 PM

The beings he is talking about are known as the Drakos, they want to use Humans as entertainment and food. Their goal is to exterminate all extratorestrial races in all of the cosmos.
