keeper of secrets

Feb 15 at 03:09 PM

I'm not surprised that this organization was real

Feb 12 at 06:22 AM

I know where my blockages are. I was sexually molested when I was younger and I want to be healed of this, I also suffer from extreme body pain from accidents.


Feb 12 at 06:02 AM

How do I do it I need someone to contact me 207 520 3217. Email address

Feb 12 at 05:59 AM

Your an Empath. Embrace it. It's who you are.


Feb 12 at 05:50 AM

Pete and Roxy I desperately need your help. I miss the visitations. I want to go with them. I hate living on this crazy world I am exceptionally smart. I need to get back to where I need to be so I can go with them. I was born for this. There is nothing for me to do on this planet. I'm stuck and I don't know what to do. Unfortunately I'm homeless and sleeping in a tent. and wonder when I'm going to be made to move because the mayor of my city is antihomeless my country only cares about the immigrants and not it's poor people. I was happy at one point in my life. I want to get back to that point. I have opened the doorways in my brain that most have not been able to. When I'm around certain people I'm able to make them do things without telling them to. I know how to use telepathy in a sort of way. I'm an advanced medium and Empath. I have a special gift and I want to take them to even higher grounds. You can only help me with this.


Feb 12 at 05:38 AM

I've been visited by them, but not for a while because I have been destroying my body with drug's and I am trying to get back to where I need to be so that I can have that oneness with them. I have a super high I.Q. and thankfully I still have it even though I have put drug's in my body that have a potential to destroy my I.Q. .

Feb 12 at 05:33 AM

You have been deceived by religion and lied to all your life. You don't know it but you have been programmed by man to believe in something that is not real. The Bible was written by man. No god told them to write anything. You were tought to think with a one track mind. Why do demons need ships to travel. Demons are interdementional beings. Meaning they can travel through the dementions not through space. I know who has contracted me and I know that they are not angels and I know that they are not demons. Start trying to think with an open mind, not the religious mind. What you are watching is a start. You will never leave this world with your man made programing. You don't know it but this is not the only time you have lived on this planet. When you die it's up to you to recarnate. Not this fake god you were told to fear. Do you want your children to fear you? So why would your god want you to fear him? What's so scary about your god?


Feb 12 at 05:19 AM

I'm one of those people. I have been contacted by creature's not from this planet. I have gone down a road that has upset them and now they won't visit me anymore. I miss the peacefulness presence of these people or creatures. I wish they would take me with them to wherever they are from. I wish I could settle my mind so I can meditate and talk with them. Or anyone of the sky people.


Feb 12 at 05:08 AM

I have been contacted several times in my life. I hope that one day these creature's will take me from this planet. Alive, in this body. I know that I have to get my body clean from elisite drug's which have been a hard thing for me to accomplish. I have to do it without living in a sober house. How am I going to do it if I can only be clean while living in a sober house. I wish they would come and tell me what I need to do, in order to go with them. I have not been visited since I started using drug's. I think they are upset with what I'm doing to my body 😔 😭😭😭. I need to change my life style on I will. I miss the peacefulness presence of these beings.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Feb 09 at 07:31 AM

Hopefully the psychopaths didn't get to see this film. What I think people have such a hard time to believe in these films is because it's out of their comfort zones, and a lot of what these two people have to say sound's a little far fetchedto theasses. I don't think so, it's very informative.