keeper of secrets

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 05 at 09:45 PM

Sandra your an asshole.


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 05 at 09:44 PM

I've had 3 visitations in my life I know what you are talking about. I believe you whole heartedly. I would love to talk with you more about your experience and mine also. We were created by extratorestrials. Not by some spiritual being.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 05 at 09:33 PM

I believe this guy is from the future, he is here to give us a message. Just like The Man From 3036. After disclosing about the tracking device in his left hand he was found on the side of the road with a bullet hole in the back of his head and his left hand removed. Look it up, it was done on 2012 he spoke about the epidemic COVID 19. How did he know about this in 2012. I'm an Empath and a medium. I know for a fact that I have had 3 visitations by beings, the first was while I was awake in the Desert in Arizona, the other 2 they came while I was sleeping. I'm supposed to have regressive hypnotherapy by someone from Giaha to find out what the messages that were left to me. I have an I.Q. of 134, I'm far from crazy. I know what happened to me and I know I didn't hallucinate, nor did I dream this. In fact my Best friend was there for the first visitation. The next morning he asked me if what happened the night before was real.


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Feb 05 at 08:40 PM

Mushroom's were used in the Norse religion to see Odin and the other God's and goddesses. I practice the Norse religion. I'm Asatrue my God is Thor but Odin is the all Father, igdrasil is the tee of life. Odin sacrificed himself by his leg upside down and he was given the Elder Futhark runes. Christianity forced the Norse to convert or die. I would choose death, because I'm a true warrior. My gods are also known as the Alien race The Scandanaiana. If you know what you are looking for when in Las Vegas you will see them being lead around by military looking men.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Feb 05 at 08:28 PM

He is talking about the beings from zeta Reticuli. This can be found in the center of Orions belt, in fact what you see is a light ,is in fact a Galaxy. The Ebbins and the grays come from there.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Feb 05 at 08:23 PM

Lisa where is your proof that this person is crazy? Why, is it because humans live in a bubble? Everything you have been told about the Bible is incorrect. There is more proof that my gods and goddesses exist. Children in my family under 5 years old have spoken about past lives, when family members researched it everything they said was accurate. Tell me this, how is a three year old going to research what they spoke about in detail? Please explain!!!!
