Stephanie Worley

Feb 13 at 07:22 PM

OperationQ I will post it for you too


Feb 13 at 07:10 PM

♥︎999♥︎ I agree with the intuition part of it being the best way to discern information. I am highly intuitive already but I tell people to go with their intuition, their gut, their heart, their emotions(how does it make you feel), ask if the source could gain something out of it or if it’s coming from love, and does it even make sense because most lies don’t make any sense if you do the math. I tell everyone also to always question everything and to do their own research.


Feb 13 at 07:03 PM

If you seek and research with the intention of finding truth I guarantee you will find what you’re looking for and it will just start coming to you and in mysterious and crazy ways.


Feb 13 at 07:00 PM

There’s more to it than that. First off, research what a virus actually is. You cannot “catch” a virus because it’s a non-living agent. The only way you can “get” a virus is by your body detoxing toxins & expelling it through your nose, throat etc., or by shoving it up your nose & breaking through the brain-blood barrier, or by an injection, period. Every medical professional already knew this before the plandemic. It’s a coverup for the 5G infecting & killing us which was first rolled out in Wuhan, China. If you look up the vax patents it explains the connection between the vax & 5G & how it’s depending on 5G to be fully functional in order to be the “off” switch for those w/the vax. Yes Putin, Trump & many countries have been working togethe to unite w/Nesara Gesara for world peace, to bring down the dark ones infiltration, bring back the gold standard & end poverty. Ukraine also is a huge part of the human trafficking & where they keep their assets.

Feb 13 at 06:05 PM

Wow, I’ve had some but not very good pics usually. What camera are you using? Those are pretty galactic!