Tiffany Hannahs

Feb 26 at 07:08 AM

thank u really feels great.18


Everyone that wants to open the golden triangle the christ cross and much more check out sacred geometry practices I opened all 15 at once it's on Gaia thanks Jason and Ray u guys are a light this world needs hit me up if anyone wants to meditate together and Iam studying Kundalini it's amazing to.and I really would love to learn Hebrew if anyone would help my name is chad virden looking for light friends I was in the dark for 25 years and one word he said I seen the room lighten up and it was like i knew this some how things are coming to me quick a coupke weeks is it i did the sacred geometry practices in a day


Feb 25 at 05:15 PM

I need help I unlocked the golden triangle the christ cross and all of the sacred geometry practices on the Gaia channel now Iam able to wave my hand over u and u can feel my energy soon as my third eye and heart chakra activates u feel it I want to progress more changed my diet raw fruits and veggies I tell u I feel amazing and in the morning drink raw honey water eat a star fruit and berry everyone around me says I have a new look in my eyes a shine it hit me all at once it was like he broke my programming thanks all of UNIFYD
Special thanks Jason and Ray
For the Truth if I ever have the money Iam coming to see u all live


Feb 22 at 09:35 PM

Just a few weeks since I found this channel I always knew some how not to trust our gov and since I've had all my chakras all at once light up though I was going to float been practicing now I can open my chakras in second now four days ago I tried messing with a crystal I feel in love for real now I can use my hand with out the crystal to feel the healing is this normal It was like a light switch went off I don't eat meat now just fruit and vegetables love honey raw I quit smoking weed and vapes thank u Jason would love to ask u a few questions. My name is Chad and looking for woke friend I live in a small town in West Virginia and have no high vibe friends I don't like negativity at all less the situation calls for it.
And for the Truth we deserve it

Feb 22 at 09:26 PM

I just woke up fully two weeks ago so Iam new but I meditated the first time all my chakras felt like I was going to levitate and now I started experimenting with crystals now is good that I can use my hand and it feels like Iam pushing energy through u Iam starting to freak my family out trying to find some real vibe friends my name is Chad.

Feb 22 at 01:08 PM

Ive lost 3 of my close family members in the last 3 years. I meditated for the first time a couple a weeks ago after being deprogrammed and amazing.i felt all my charkas from my root to my head activate I really have a story to and need some help.I live in West Virginia I have no money but I have love and care.I wish I could try ayahuasca I've done everything else but that and peyote. THANK U ALL OF UNIFYD

Special thanks to the best loving couple I've seen in a long time u inspired my whole family. I am crying and my name is Chad this is my fiance's name I love u all 823

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Feb 22 at 01:01 AM

I opened all my chakras all at once with his help u have to no it's true everyone ever word let us protect this man and all involved in the TLS org thanks again would love to have a conversation with the man


Feb 22 at 12:32 AM

Nope he's waking the masses

Feb 19 at 09:44 AM

To the negative people I was a sleep just a week ago.I felt my chakras come to life I had every experience at once .sexual and emotional and I was vibrating so fast amazing feeling people. open ur self please I love u all. And if ur having trouble try crystals but Iam just broke the matrix.


Feb 18 at 01:39 PM

And this is my girls email Iam male