Tiffany Hannahs

Commented on Shifting Perceptions

Feb 18 at 01:38 PM

Thank u again definitely something going on. all my charkas was was vibrating so fast and I felt it my pelvic area to my liver and stomach area and to my chest to my throat my third eye then my crown.i have a question I felt like I was having sex amazing sex

Feb 17 at 09:09 AM

thank u brother ever day life is a little brighter also lighter if everone knew me would laugh. yeah rite chad virden cant sit still long enough or be quiet. I used drugs my whole life and u have help me more in a week than any hospital. I stopped vaping and never need my nerve medication it was my food and people I was around.                                                                                                              TTLS AND ALL OF THIS UNIFYD ORG.                                                                                                                                                                                                             Speacial thanks Jason 


 u did something to me the first time I tried our breath work. it was amazing this new world iam just finding .is making me change i never had felt something so powerful now to learn to channel that energy.                                                                                                                  THANK U ALL OF UNITFYD   ALL ONE LOVE


Feb 14 at 11:04 AM

thank u so much u where the shine that woke me i never understood what true love was one love everyone
