
Ormond Beach, FL, United States

Mar 28 at 01:51 PM

I agree with you bro that team of Mystics will only lead you to confusion/madness..just ask anyone such as myself who has studied all avenues of the occult and mysticism. They just give you another working that promises enlightenment but only uncovers levels of self refinement to achieve God size status occulted knowledge that ultimately lead you nowhere


Mar 27 at 07:31 PM

Wow bro Very good post I didn't realize I could Slide to Right

Mar 27 at 07:06 PM

♥︎999♥︎ i thought about it and going all out is the only way brother because we cant assume people know everything that is how we break ground on new 💯ideas and scenarios..


Mar 27 at 07:02 PM

♥︎999♥︎ BRO I'm proud that you are so indepth i go deep too you know that i answer everything with 1000 words don't hold back BRO 😉


Mar 27 at 07:00 PM

Barium and Aluminum( Ba Al. Periodic Table) Baal worship 🙌 they are spraying that combo right on our domes bro.


Mar 27 at 06:53 PM

Because Alice in Wonderland is a programming tool for Monarch mind control victims this is a rebranding of MK Ultra. Wizard of Oz is another one.


Mar 27 at 06:46 PM

It will drive you mad seriously you just plant the seed and let it go i learned this lesson hard.


Mar 27 at 02:23 PM

♥︎999♥︎ bro that's how I lost so much weight it's not just the drugs it's because I learned about all of the agendas to depopulate and I started reading the labels it'll make you sick it made me stop eating


Mar 27 at 02:20 PM

♥︎999♥︎ yeah bro my question was just a rhetorical question basically but I'm glad to see that you've done your research about the depopulation agenda


Mar 27 at 02:18 PM

Yeah I've researched Chemtrails and the agenda to sterilize and every other thing that you listed the clothes we wear the air we breathe Etc I appreciate you answering my question growing my own food is the only answer
