
Ormond Beach, FL, United States

Apr 05 at 07:42 PM

♥︎999♥︎ David Icke

Apr 05 at 07:41 PM

Cindy ghysel Gaia has alot of truth but they are compromised even Steven Greer I really did like what he was doing when I believed Nasa and space were real he does a great job acting like he's speaking out trying to help us..I'm only trying to help it seems that in the Rabbit hole everything including the term rabbit hole is weaponized and getting over on everyone just fine in sorry to seem like I'm picking at people's beliefs but I kinda am I'm trying to help you not be misled by useful idiots or lifetime actors..

Apr 05 at 07:35 PM

Heliocentric Model is the Mother of all lies I just lost it I see the same people being fooled I know it's tough to get over the Globe it proliferated everything everywhere

Apr 05 at 07:31 PM

It is the Goddess Columbia and the Torch is obviously the light bringer who can only try to be like God. District of Columbia.. look up Columbia worship in america


Apr 05 at 07:27 PM

L.Michele I'm sorry I agree with the first part but the second part about the importance of the American citizenship and politics this couldn't be further from the truth It made me cringe To think That you believed what you were saying There goes the division thing again You were right About Not letting it distract Not paying attention to it at all I just want to help To say that they still get over on people I also apologize because I don't punctuate right now I'm talking into my phone

Apr 05 at 07:25 PM

paula pinckley I made a lot of comments about The credibility that you give politics and then I realized I was getting caught up in the division which is its only purpose besides indoctrination and creating the illusion of choice. I deleted all my comments. I felt like I was coming across as argumentative but I wasn't I just want to help you not be brainwashed or indoctrinated or distracted

Apr 05 at 07:16 PM

My bad I hate politics and I got into the division it causes I apologize

Apr 05 at 06:45 PM

Not trying to be negative but rabbit hole is a weaponized term and it's also a trigger for Monarch Mind control Slaves..you may not agree but I don't see how ..maybe you don't know about Monarch but look into it you lose credibility when you call whatever research a rabbit hole..

Apr 05 at 06:40 PM

Carmen Snow when you said Google it, please don't. Worst place to search they least astray, shadowban, and literally highjack algorithm. They have made an A.I. God in 2016 but don't expect them to be truthful about it. This is major please everyone listen do not feed Google any queries they are enemies to this movement you can see the mark of the Beast in their symbol that says it all. I'm only trying to help..try BRAVE and you will get everything 💯


Apr 05 at 04:38 AM

I glanced threw it and my senses lit up when i saw the Rabbi talking and I thought "fucking ✡️ Jews and justifying" I'm not racist 😤 I'm just a Scholar we all know to kick Jews out.