
Ormond Beach, FL, United States

Apr 19 at 09:20 PM

Bro i miss talking to you foreal we truly need to throw down on that thing we had going i have a mic now too and I'm putting together an awesome concept i need you for soul thoughts though im gonna make you a channel on my discord server ive got a Tarot video chat with my friend the High priestess shes gonna do readings and other stuff ive got a Gematria channel and a library


Apr 19 at 09:15 PM

♥︎999♥︎ well you had it almost they found out about the firmament because of project Dominic they tried to break it like seven times then they went down however many miles or whatever and tried to break it. Their boy Admiral Byrd that did project high jump he said that that is where a crude oil comes from that there are rivers of it that go all the way into the Earth in the center where it's Hollow and it's not fossil fuels and it's not petrified plants or anything like that you can read his diary there's also a whistleblower from one of the Arabian families that it has a video where he's explaining where crude oil comes from I'll send it to you

Apr 19 at 09:09 PM

♥︎999♥︎ yes we're spinning at 66,000 mph and the Earth is 66.6 ... yeah it's all Masonic call signs that is one of the things that will show you like I said if you know Gematria it's the cheat code to everything they are doing because they literally live by it


Apr 19 at 09:05 PM

♥︎999♥︎ I just got finished with his last book its a good one..


Replied on post was deleted

Apr 18 at 02:03 PM

The number 23 you're right ..and yes alchemy is used against us among other sorceries the better you learn Gematria, they live by it you can kind of predict what will happen or what is real and what isn't..

Apr 18 at 01:38 PM

Milan Jus i never said i was an expert but i know the heliocentric model is a nonsense indoctrination tool..so you believe were on a spinning ball? Please give me one piece of evidence you would bet your life on that supports your spinning ball.. there's evidence all around us that we're on a flat stationary plane the heliocentric model gets you to go against all of your God given instincts and intuition that is why they start indoctrinating you with the globe from the beginning because if they can get you to go against your own what you see and feel they can tell you any lie and you'll believe it


Apr 18 at 01:34 PM

Milan Jus you completely missed the point of what i said with your comment but thanks for the love..think for yourself, question Authority.


Apr 18 at 01:31 PM

Milan Jus nobody has been to "space" my point exactly


Apr 18 at 02:23 AM

They started teaching the bull crap heliocentric model and 1959 they banned the geocentric model soon after operation high jump when Admiral Byrd went past the ice wall into Antarctica and found a hollow Earth and two civilizations with two atmospheres and supposedly two suns.. they are hiding a lot of land they want to keep us crowd in these seven continents. NASA was also searching the oceans all of a sudden they stopped the Antarctic treaty started in 1959 also NASA found something in the ocean and started looking up for their discoveries into space the fake Frontier
