Susan Harris

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Feb 18 at 08:39 PM

Ummmm have you seen the ingredients in that burger? It's the same as a bag of kibble dog food. It's so highly processed that there's no nutritional value whatsoever. No one should be consuming that poison. Do some research

Feb 18 at 08:32 PM

Celine Dion is one of the bad guys. Have you seen the recent photos of her? She went from looking already dead to totally rejuvenated. The only thing I know that can do that is adrenachrome

Feb 18 at 08:29 PM

I feel like if all that's true then they should just reveal all of it at once. What's the point in slow dripping information that makes the people sick in body and mind for years to come. Just rip it off like a bandaid and let the chips fall. If all this is true why are they still allowing corporations to rip us off, and the IRS to steal our money, poison our food and water, spray our skies with chemicals. If they're really rounding these sickos up what's the evidence of that? I sure don't see it. How many more People will die of the above before we see actual results of these so called tribunals? I think we're the white hats. I'm about saving myself because no white nights or white hats are coming. I learned that in childhood and won't be making that mistake again. No proof= No belief