Johnathon Elkins

Feb 25 at 08:58 PM

♥︎999♥︎ I like my cows lol


Feb 25 at 07:43 PM

Yeah that really got to me. And most I can watch all day but that one hit a nerve. To me it was psychological horror


Feb 25 at 07:40 PM

The tech is watered down on phones. But they do have capabilities to see what our eyes can't. So by using filters and just adjusting settings over and over until you see what's hidden start to come from the shadows. Just try it with smoke. Use flash lights off blow cigarette smoke in front of camera take a few pics and you will see Alot. But on this one I took a screenshot of a part of a moon NASA picture and started to see these things.


Feb 25 at 07:36 PM

What I see is four entities one a grey alien holding what looks like a wolf head and I see a nemesis an ork and what looks like a praying mantis. It's hard to explain but at this time I honestly felt They appear as a threat because I was able to use a phone and peel off layers like seeing through walls and structures. In the rest of the picture there was a globe of a planet sitting on a long table in what looked like a castle structure and these entities was in it on the moon under a base


Feb 25 at 07:30 PM


Seth here is a good example of the structures on the moon

Feb 25 at 07:28 PM


Feb 25 at 07:27 PM


Seth This is what I see. I see a fighter jet in the picture. And the squad has on the flag a squad logo that has a planet on a jet that's red and has three symbols branching away from the planet that's places on background with the jet. I recognize only 2 symbols one it a lightning bolt I'm assuming for strike force and the other is a cross. That's just what I seen. Could be just me seeing stuff I been playing with edits on pictures for a while now. Smoke is a very good tool to see other dimensions just take smoke from cigarettes and turn on flash take a few pictures and review them. You will know right off the bat when something shows up it will be obvious to you it's a spirit or some other entity. Give it a try. Also we all know NASA greys out many structures on the moon

Feb 25 at 05:34 PM


Feb 25 at 05:28 PM
