
Mar 12 at 01:28 PM

Mel I can't get back in. I even got a new link sent to another email

Mar 12 at 01:25 PM

I got a link through spark tv but now I can't get back into the live stream


Mar 12 at 01:19 PM

There's no sound on the Livestream in LA on the extraterrestrial bodies 😭


Mar 09 at 08:59 PM

I cannot wait for this!!


Mar 06 at 09:09 AM

Has anyone seen the documentary "American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders? I just started watching it last night and it talks about a cabal being formed in the 50's who are really controlling everything. It makes me think of the "psychopaths" Ray refers to in The Pyramid Code. The murders from the title refer to people being killed off for knowing too much. Definitely a good watch. Anyone else see this and have similar ideas?


Mar 05 at 10:38 AM

Super weird FB and Insta are down this morning too. Makes me wonder 🤔


Feb 22 at 11:24 AM

Is it patience? That everything is already unfolding and it's okay to not have all the answers. I haven't finished reading rays of light so I'm just guessing.

Feb 20 at 12:49 PM

Thank you Dr. Mikovitz 🙏
