Renee Moss

Moscow, ID, United States

We need to create naritives that unite us and stop allowing them to divide us! ❤️


May 06 at 10:42 PM

JENNIFER I am in Moscow

Apr 30 at 05:34 PM

Be Love

Be Peace

Be Light

Apr 30 at 05:33 PM

This speaks truth to me ❤️


Teshyna I do comprehend what you are saying and I agree but the etymology of the word govern means to control. The etymology of the word ment means mind. So the compromised leaders use mind control over the mass population. Sad thing is most, if not all, of the compromised leaders are mind controlled also.

I agree that the astrologer was not much of an astrologer.

Wasn't the United States of America created as a Constitutional Republic not a democracy? From my research it was never created to be a democracy


Apr 25 at 08:52 PM

That is Awesome!

Apr 25 at 06:41 PM

Taurus sun, Aquarius moon, Leo rising ❤️

How do we remove the corruption from our federal and local governments?
