Renee Moss

Moscow, ID, United States

Jun 07 at 02:03 PM

Information on the Wingmakers would be awesome!

Jun 06 at 10:28 AM

What does it mean if I access rapid eye movement during meditation?

May 30 at 10:30 PM

All I have heard Pascal Najadi say is that JFK is alive. I took that to mean that possibly JFK faked his own death and went in to hiding because he knew that the dark forces were going to kill him. Only my perspective

May 30 at 09:42 PM

Made me laugh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

May 30 at 09:41 PM

Unity, Love and Gentleness


May 30 at 09:40 PM

I do not consent!


May 24 at 11:27 AM

I love Bob Dean! ❤️


Replied on Remote Viewing 2025

May 12 at 06:17 PM

No you will be OK. I don't have the $ to invest in gold or silver either. I have prepared myself by having about one month of food and water storage, and I also keep a few hundred in $ on hand in small denominations. I have back up on everything I need. I also have skills I can barter with. I stay in the energy of peace and calm no matter what chaos is going on around me. From my perspective, do the best you can with what you have and don't be afraid. We can all weather this storm. ❤️❤️❤️


Replied on Remote Viewing 2025

May 12 at 12:22 PM

How is this different from what the United States, or the government of any other country for that matter? Canada is no different


Is skin walker ranch really haunted? I feel there is something besides ghosts going on there.
