Jennifer Burnett

Feb 21 at 01:50 PM

There's NO mistakes in the Bible, at least the KJV, only in the reader's understanding. 

Feb 21 at 12:48 PM

Wilma BoydBoydthey do NOT believe in Jesus.  But Jesus is God.  The Rapture is about to happen, those who don't believe will be left behind & to be saved will die for him.

Feb 21 at 12:28 PM

Earth is violently changing at this very moment.  Millions of people & most children will disappear this year from earth.  They will claim "aliens" relocated us to re-educate us.  The aliens didn't take us, Jesus Christ DID.  Please don't be deceived. 


Feb 21 at 12:24 PM

They will be here SOON & the FULL take over WILL BE 2027‼️  When  millions of people & almost all children disappear this year from Earth "they" will SAY that the "Alien races" relocated us to another planet to be re-educated because we were "holding back the planet from ascending" to a higher level🚨  It's a lie, aliens didn't take us Jesus Christ did. Folks the Rapture is about to happen any moment now.  Then the Anti-Christ, means INSTEAD OF, not AGAINST, so he will look like a SAVIOR & will deceive MANY.  In 2027 Satan will LITERALLY indwell the Anti-Christ.  When Jesus RETURNS, EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM.  He potentially returns in 2033.  In 3033 the Earth & Heaven's are done away with and there will be a NEW Heaven & a NEW Earth.  No one is recarnated.  It's appointed unto men once to die and then the Judgement ‼️

Jason, why doesn't Ray know that earth is ruining out of resources, ESPECIALLY WATER❓️  Guys I'd you want more hard truth look up Maria Z it's Z with 3 e's.

Feb 21 at 12:06 PM

Jason the Sons of God taking wives and having children was not for "Spiritual" reasons.  It was Satan's way of DESTROYING Humanity, ie; the flood came.  You can read Hebrew, so you know the Old Testament is NOT saying that Noah was "righteousness" it says his SEED was pure.  He & his four sons, the seed comes from the man, were the only ones that had not been GENETICALLY MODIFIED beyond being human.  Why does that matter❓️

What's  happening today❓️  We are being  genetically MODIFIED, just like our food, they are making us SEEDLESS.   Why❓️ Satan once again is trying to make man in his image.  Jesus died for mankind.  Satan doesn't put all his eggs in one basket.   So, yes you DESPERATELY NEED TO KNOW THIS, because when this fails, well a BIGGER and more horrifying HOLOCAUST is coming.   If Satan can't GMO the entire planet then he plans to murder the entire Jewish people so they can't say Baruch Ha'ba B'Shem Adonai, at which time their God will rescue them, Jesus Christ.  I love Jewish