
Aagtekerke, Netherlands

Jun 01 at 04:24 AM

It's time we all wake up and take back what's comming to us. We have been taken advantage of for centuries.We are free beings of love and light.

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Jun 01 at 02:55 AM

Jason was chosen and approached by tls. Please just don't speak on things that isn't evidence based. It might cause harm on Jason. He is already putting his life and future on the line. Please have respect and come with love ❤️.

As an intuitive empath this feels like something to create doubt and distortion on the followers/ members on this amazing and beautiful new platform.

To prevent it from developing. I'm sending light and love ❤️ to Jason , Ray and tls. May they develope so fast and gain massive members so the world will be awakened and saved. love all of you 💚💚💚💚Let's vibrate together so high loving Unifiers and become 1 as we are 1

May 26 at 05:26 PM

Ray You mention "being told" . It was very difficult as being a child and still as an adult to follow instructions while intuitively felt otherwise.I follow my heart and gut feeling.When i get a warm feeling I know it's true, genuine andsafe. With cold,chills or dark invisible cloud that indicates for lies/ unsafty. This group of people that have enslaved us are aware of our true nature and supernatural abilities. I know you speaking the truth. Everything you mentioned that will happen for the present I see it happening.Thank you and TLS for protecting and saving humanity

May 26 at 05:09 PM

Ray Eversince I was a young girl. Things didn't made sense to me. The school, Church , the system we live in. As a little girl I was told to hush by many people and stop asking so many questions and I was told to accept things as, they are.

As going to catholic school to me the Bible was just an old history book. That are what books are where for ( in my child's mind). You write experience and later on it becomes history.

I also had a very difficult time to accept the ego.Not understanding to had to think for yourself first while the other person is suffering. Diversity, being separated. To me everything is connected while. Why not share there is enough for everyone. Being kind,be love ❤️