
Aagtekerke, Netherlands


Sep 06 at 01:56 PM



Sep 06 at 07:08 AM

This year 2024 , the energies around us are exceptionally powerful, amplifying the power of our thoughts and words. What we focus on or speak about is manifesting at a rapid pace. At the same time, lower vibrational energies are surfacing and revealing themselves. While this may initially feel negative, it is actually a very positive and transformative moment.

This unveiling is a sign that those who have been spiritually "asleep" are beginning to awaken. It’s a collective shift, allowing more awareness and growth. However, during this time, it's essential to protect your own energy. Be mindful of your thoughts because they are directly creating and manifesting your reality.

To stay aligned with the positive flow, remain in higher frequencies like love, compassion, understanding, joy, passion, and gratitude. These high-vibration states will help you navigate the powerful energy shifts and ensure you are creating from a place of light and intention. Your energy is your most valuable tool nurture and protect it, and you'll manifest the reality you desire.

🥰🤞Love and Light 


Sep 05 at 03:33 PM

A child who grows up unable to trust their biological parents,or people that raise the child as a parent, the very people meant to provide love and protection, faces deep emotional wounds. This early breach of trust teaches the child a worldview rooted in distrust and fear, making it difficult to feel safe or secure in their environment. The betrayal they experience creates a lasting imprint on their heart, always alert to danger or rejection, even when none is present. They learn to expect disappointment, making emotional safety a rare and longed-for experience.

This child often embarks on a lifelong search for someone they can trust, someone who will provide the safety and peace they were denied. Peace, for such a child, becomes the ultimate treasure—the feeling of finally being able to rest in a secure space without the fear of being hurt. It’s the calm after a storm they’ve navigated for so long.

However, in this quest for safety, the child’s vulnerability becomes visible to others. There are those who have an innate ability to sense such fragility people with “antennas” for those who are emotionally wounded. Unfortunately, not all who recognize this vulnerability come with good intentions. Some exploit this delicate state, manipulating the child’s longing for trust and security for their own advantage.This cycle highlights the importance of healing. The child must learn, often through inner work and self-discovery, to trust their own inner voice and intuition. Only by building self-trust and emotional resilience can the child break free from the patterns of being exploited or betrayed. The journey towards peace then shifts from seeking external sources to finding inner strength and safety within themselves, allowing them to stand strong in their own truth without fear of being taken advantage of.🦄🤞


Sep 05 at 03:16 PM

when someone reveals their true nature, it’s a moment of clarity and understanding. This unveiling, whether intentional or unintentional, gives you a glimpse of their authentic self. Being grateful in this moment is powerful, as it frees you from expectations and illusions you may have held about the person.

Looking at them with a loving heart means offering compassion, even if their behavior or energy doesn’t align with yours. Saying “thanks” internally is a form of acceptance, not just of the person but of the reality that they’ve shown you. You acknowledge that you can’t force someone to be something they are not or expect them to fit your vision.If their energy doesn’t resonate with yours, there’s no need to struggle or try to change it.

What they show you is their truth, and it’s up to you to honor that by accepting it and letting go. This doesn't mean condoning negative behavior, but rather releasing the need to control, judge, or hold on to something that isn't in alignment with your path. Letting go with love creates peace within yourself and allows you to remain centered.🥰🤞Love and Light

Replied on Chemtrails?

Sep 05 at 04:36 AM

Jake so sweet and kind message. Yes indeed it's early in the morning at the moment.

If there is anything I can assist,guide you with please feel free to add me on Facebook it's Benita Hoving. 🫰🏽🌻

Replied on Chemtrails?

Sep 04 at 05:33 PM

Jake Thank you, Jake. Your words touch me deeply. I came from the light and was born into darkness, and through that journey, I have been blessed to understand the depths of both. The darkness has shaped me, showing me its power and its lessons, and now, as a tear rolls down my cheek, I feel the warmth of being truly seen by you.

I am profoundly grateful that my life’s experiences have allowed me to share love, hope, and light with others, both professionally and personally. It fills my heart to know that these experiences resonate with you, and that together, we can recognize the beauty in this transformation we’re witnessing in the world.As the old structures crumble, making way for something new, it’s time for us to embrace this freedom, to let go of the past, and to step into the light of a new dawn. Together, we are creating a better world, one filled with love, hope, and endless possibilities. ✨️🫰🏽🥰

Replied on Chemtrails?

Sep 04 at 04:18 PM

Jake It sounds like you’re offering some deep spiritual insight here, perhaps reflecting onyour own willingness to grow and transform. Stepping into a journey with an open mind is a sign of courage and self-awareness, and it’s beautiful to acknowledge that in someone.As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, keep in mind that every step, whether forward or backward, is part of your growth. Embrace the process with patience and kindness towards yourself. Each moment of self-reflection, each challenge you face, brings you closer to the version of yourself you aspire to be.Remember, true beauty lies in your willingness to evolve, to face yourself honestly, and to remain open to change. Enjoy the journey, embrace the lessons, and trust that you are exactly where you need to be.🫰🏽🥰Love &Light ✨️


Replied on Chemtrails?

Sep 04 at 03:59 PM

Jake I posted a video for you concerning this topic at the rabbit 🐇 hole for you. Actually I tagged you not sure if you received it


Sep 04 at 03:23 AM


Sunflowers 🌻 turn their back on the sun



Sep 04 at 03:17 AM


Jake couldn't post it at the comments for you. Here is it the artificial sun that China has created