Kelsie Harmon

Feb 25 at 12:46 PM

I think he speaks of what he has witnessed being on other planets and that's his experience but yes he likely never heard of the war on Mars etc 


Feb 24 at 05:50 PM

Idk if my comment was deleted but its not fair to limit our perspective as your audiance. You would likely be interested in Steven Greers work and his disclosure project. He talks about the agenda not being so much to hide the truth of extraterrestrials as much as to hide the technology we have. This technology would end poverty and run the fossil fuels, and oil out of business. 

Feb 24 at 05:26 PM

He meant in the present moment these wars were in the past. 

Feb 24 at 05:25 PM

Jason as a man on a spiritual journey I am surprised how offended you get just based on the topic of religion. 

  No religious text can be proven true because anyone can write something down and call it truth. Much of the bible was stolen from very ancient tablets including the epic of gilgamesh.

   I understand you don't have to agree with Ray but out of all the incredible information give him that appreciation. He doesn't have to keep coming to be interviewed. The man has been through a lot and he is able to access the akashic records which no one can understand until they have done it. I mean don't forget he is apart of a group that is FOR humanity not against. 


Feb 24 at 05:13 PM

TLS won't allow him to go in detail on certain things. 
