
Buffalo, NY, United States

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Apr 01 at 07:36 PM

R Fos What is it that Jesus Christ did for you? How did the encounter happen? Did Jesus say what the purpose was?

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Apr 01 at 07:33 PM

Dear God...😣

I really like her voice


Commented on Best Kept Secret

Mar 28 at 04:25 PM

Very good


Mar 28 at 12:13 AM

I have had dreams about the past life I had been in before and it is close to the one I am living now but I am a different person totally different

Mar 28 at 12:11 AM

Awesome young man

Mar 27 at 04:17 AM

Lindsey Longanecker great way of putting it.Itis fantastic. I love this too.

Commented on Whoah... 😮😲

Mar 26 at 11:35 PM



Mar 26 at 03:19 PM

Deborah and Janet, that is beautiful that you have connected with each other, I hope everything works out for you both,God Bless You!

Mar 26 at 03:16 PM

Jessica Cristiano Perhaps you can email me, enjoythesilence716@gmail.com