Sarah Dugan

Easley, SC, United States

Apr 20 at 06:55 AM

This was really great! 💯


Commented on So true.

Apr 01 at 06:51 AM

The last two years has been insane! But I know so much now and have direction. Scary AF what my purpose is and what I've seen. What I need to do to make things right. Painful though 😁 wow 😳 that was/is an understatement. It's like grieving literally. It's like, waking up to a narcissist abuser 💡 hence how I feel about our democracy...the manipulation of human life and's been a journey to say the least. Growing up a psychic medium I always knew there was more to just this life. If I can speak with the dead...who are spirits there has to be something I'm missing. Until I did ritual one Full Pisces moon last year and my spirit team came to me. I'm in a constant state of one foot on the bed and one foot off. I travel in my sleep, I go to other dimensions and can't always retain my adventures upon waking. I receive messages from my Divine Universe all day every day. My reality is definitely distorted now. Knowing the truth yet still being forced to live like a sheep.

Apr 01 at 06:38 AM

It's crazy I spent the first 50 years of my life living a nightmare most of the time. I believe I have the rest of my life to do it right , so at the end of the day I can go home or stay on earth and live forever help the sheep of future generations not be sheep and teach them how to survive within this disgusting democracy we are subject to, to help as much as I can in this spiritual war and to be with my creators, I am one of the Atlantians and already found some of my soul family. I found the life I need to heal, it's interesting how the people in this life are connected in your past lives. As we pro create, the DNA is altered more and more so we can die off faster, and when we figure things out and aren't dying off fast enough they poison us. Give us disease that can be healed with natural resources, instead we are treated like sheep, mind F#$ked into believing the medicine that is slowly poisoning us is actually helping us.


Apr 01 at 06:22 AM

I believe both of your theories. I am more accustomed to Cindy's view. I was able to find my spiritual path while in human form. In this life. Many don't have to wait until death to figure out the truth. So yes if we follow our souls path we can choose eternity and be with our soul families. Or say at the end of the day, my soul is tired AF, I've lived many lives, learning important lessons or I wouldn't keep coming back to make it right. I'm "spiritually awake" now, born a psychic medium. I spent my life searching for the truth. What is my purpose here? What do I need to do to fix to never live this life again? This post rings true in the fact that we as our true selves, our souls...are supposed to live for hundreds of years and we've been polluted in thought, spirit, with democracy and the "non-humans" the evil people in our world that are corrupt. That keep society like sheep, that started with the Romans and the Take over and CONTROL of people if not through coercion then by force