
Wilmington, NC, United States

Replied on The Time Is Now

Jun 01 at 09:55 AM

Robert K. Mackie you could also share it out.

Jun 01 at 09:52 AM

skyler or Billy Carson on YouTube & I’m sure you’ll find a link to all of his content.


May 28 at 01:43 PM

Tammy Reichert Stay on this channel, it’s the MOST REPUTABLE out in this world. You can learn so much. Also if you’d like to check out different books you can read to learn also, there’s a book club on UNIFYD ALSO. Check them out, if you’d like. Hope you find the answers you’re looking for on the subject. Much love. Have a BEAUTIFUL DAY.


May 28 at 09:00 AM

Thank you for this whole conversation. I’m just ecstatic. Some things are really starting to make sense. I’ve heard many many perspectives throughout this whole “LIFE PROCESS” or whatever you’d like to call it “MY JOURNEY” in this lifetime. (To each their own.) I’m really looking forward to learning more. It’s such a slow process because I find myself repeatedly hearing these stories/ancient events & there will always be something added, misconstrued, taken out, straight up lie, or every last bit of the information will just be made up entirely. Thank you both (ALL) for sharing your information with the world. All of it is definitely needed. WE WILL GET TO OUR DESTINATIONS ONE DAY, BUT I DEFINITELY LOOK FORWARD TO GETTING THE TRUTH or AT LEAST CLOSE TO IT. MUCH LOVE TO EVERYONE. I HOPE ALL HAS THE MOST FANTASTIC DAY, WEEKEND, MONTH, YEAR &/or LIFETIMES. 💜💜

One day we will all know the ABSOLUTE TRUTH & we WILL have the information that tells us all we need to know. Our questions will be answered. MUCH LOVE.

Replied on post was deleted

May 24 at 08:15 AM

Kelly Salazar Absolutely. I was thinking the same words. Definitely bold, “Re-Donkulous”, ridiculous, & lastly UNCALLED FOR. What are they thinking? That there ONE suggestion is going to even budge what humans think about Jason? I will never understand why some humans just enjoy tearing people down, speak before they ever REALLY THINK about what they say to another human, say outright LIES about someone they REALLY have no understanding about, I could go on for days about this CLAIM, but there will ALWAYS be that “ONE”. Great comments. Much love. Hope you have a MOST BEAUTIFUL WEEKEND.

Replied on post was deleted

May 24 at 08:00 AM

He absolutely looks nothing like Jason. The face shape, ears, even the color of his skin. I’m sorry but you may need some new glasses/contacts/eyes because THAT’S NOT JASON SHURKA. Maybe some long lost relatives (LMAO), just kidding. I hope you do get to figure out who that person is but without a shadow of doubt, NOT JASON. I hope you gain a lil more respect for Jason with ALL that he’s doing to HELP humans & animals. Much love to you. (TO EACH THERE OWN), you can have an opinion on anything in this world, doesn’t ALWAYS mean that you are right. Have a MOST MAGNIFICENT DAY!

May 23 at 07:12 PM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 Thank you for sharing the astrologyreadingsonline. I hope it HELPS me understand a lil better (🤞🏼). Maybe I’ll understand it. Lol I could probably sit down & talk for hours & hours, days & days, months & months, & lastly years & years (of course) with just about anyone who actually “KNOWS” what they are talking about & not just trying to explain something that they heard or someone just told them. I need someone to explain these things I’ve got so so many questions about & then actually have the information (PROOF) so I can use my own discernment, just in case they may just be BS’ing me. I’ve always had issues with TRUST throughout my whole life. Sorry to ramble on. Just wanted to say, THANKS FOR SHARING YOUR KNOWLEDGE WITH THE WORLD. Very very very very interesting information & so so so much of it. Thanks again. Much love to you, your family, & friends. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐


May 11 at 03:49 PM



May 11 at 03:45 PM

OMGosh there’s even more to astrology. WOW! I get so upset sometimes about the things we’ve been taught throughout our lives that has absolutely been a LIE. When all along we should have been learning exactly THIS stuff. Astrology, how to eat clean & healthy, what’s good for you & what’s not good for you, what exactly your body needs to function properly, how to fix your body when it is sick without prescription drugs, without CHEMICALS, how to use what Mother Nature has been providing us all this time, instead of poison! I don’t understand why we had to learn things completely a$$ backwards. Now I think a lot of us try to make up for lost time & then that’s where FEAR will consume you (if you allow it too) because you don’t feel as if you’ve done ABSOLUTELY ALL YOU COULD to help the world, humanity, or your family, friends, & loved ones. Especially if there’s generational issues. Sorry for rambling on. I’m always harder on myself than anyone human in this world can be to me. I always learn something new daily & then there’s so much to the topic, you don’t even know where to begin. CRAZY BUT I LOVE IT. I LOVE LEARNING NEW THINGS ESPECIALLY IF IT HELPS ME PROGRESS IN THIS LIFE OR IF IT HELPS A TOTAL STRANGER. MONEY, POWER, FAME, & HATE should’ve never existed (material/consumerism) NEVER EVER Should’ve came into play in any reincarnation. You can LOVE without any of those things. ANY! Just my own lil craziness. I hope to learn ALL I can & be able to help anyone who may need it or needs to hear it. MUCH MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL! Hope ALL IS HAVING A BLAST OVER THEIR WEEKEND. Share, you NEVER KNOW WHOSE LISTENING! 💜

May 01 at 09:03 AM

If we had that technology NOW, we’d be in a much worse place.