Julie Lamarche

Gatineau, Canada

Mar 06 at 03:07 AM

We are drinking urine in the mama wound during pregnancy so their the prof is their and we are born very healthy rarely the child is born with illnesses

Mar 06 at 03:04 AM

It makes sense when u get a jelly to burn you in the sea they say to put urine to heal it the first am urine of the morning is more affective,and if you look at horse urine is actually penisiline antibiotics so why not our own urine to heal ourselves I believe in it

Mar 06 at 02:28 AM

Together we will plan united we will stand

I can't afford it and soon I'll lose unifytv also as I can't afford the subscription I'm sad of losing this in my life it's been awesome free days tks for that unifytv Tks Jason love ya stay strong and good luck I'm with you in spirit oxo :( I'm sad to lose this opportunity to be able to make a difference with you all enjoy be safe be good together we will plan united we will stand

Mar 05 at 01:16 AM

And my choice humanity pill

Mar 05 at 01:14 AM


Mar 05 at 01:12 AM

Is all we have left me it's my last hope and last attempt of fighting my body is dying not me but body is it so done I want to keep going I have a magic man also maybe energy healing or magnetic his keeping me alive wondering g how long it will last tho

Mar 05 at 01:10 AM

I'm in Sam maybe worse position try meditation self healing

Mar 05 at 12:52 AM

Same with quebec abitii canada fires was man made


Mar 05 at 12:50 AM

So many from canada awesome
