baby dragon

truth seeker, truth speaker

Apr 23 at 02:39 PM

Look at the old peri Reese maps. There are 2 sets of ice walls, all the other LANDS, are clearly labeled. Just saying...


Apr 21 at 04:26 PM

Yep, well said young man, well said


Apr 21 at 04:24 PM

Can relate

Apr 20 at 09:51 PM

⁹N∆UTIC∆L⁹⁹⁹N0N§€N§€⁹ hello . " "giving". Is how I get my self gratfication. I've given to every friend I( considered CLOSE ), whether it's financial, physical, or emotional, However, I no longer give $$$, to FRIENDS bc, I realized those 2 ppl were only using me & my empathy but I, like you enjoy helping others truly in need , After all, is that not what being HUMAN is all about???

Apr 20 at 02:42 PM

Not so fast dear one. .. I've learned over the years .. Nothing is for free. And therefore , what do u hafta give in rt

Apr 20 at 01:22 PM

Yikes!!! Hitting me hard. Direct pain in the brain, scare tactics , psychic attacks , manipulation of truths... And I call upon my ancestors, spirit guides, higher self, but first & foremost I trust in the divine plan and protected from evli entity s that DO NOT HAVE MY BEST& HIGHEST interest . GOOD vs EVIL. I m BOTH, A Gemini, and here's the best part my b day is 6/6/63 , if I am a earth angel,or a vessel for THE CREATOR I I see ONLY the good in ppl. .& I TRUST. !!! , therefore direct manipulation everyday, all the time. ..... SO wearing me down . THIS spiritual war i Iive in for eions now ... Feels like me against the world. I am a warrior for mother Earth, I stand for truth & humanity,... they CANNOT Put out my flame!, willI shine so bright, u just gotta wear SHADES !!!, somehow I know WE HAVE ALREADY WON and the GOLDEN AGE IS POSSIBLE ,maybe bc I think I already lived it once upon a time !! so there it is.....l Whatcha think about that ppl,?

Apr 19 at 09:01 AM



Apr 18 at 01:09 AM

All of these already nentioned and more


Apr 14 at 09:55 AM

And what about Tartaria?


Apr 13 at 06:14 PM

Well isn't that the truth