Claudia Cimpoesu

Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom

Jun 11 at 07:22 PM

Jada Carter thank you 😊

Replied on post was deleted

Jun 11 at 07:01 PM

We have a say in my country ,,if you can't convince make them doubt,, unfortunately not here,not you,not with this nonsense. Miss detective Rachael strever.

Jun 11 at 06:52 PM

How to register for ambassadors?

May 31 at 06:58 PM

That's me, totally

May 31 at 06:26 PM

So much inconsistency, I am confused. Was Elizabeth taken when she was 14 years old for 9 months or when she was 12 for 2 years? From minute 13 I found it a little strange.

May 23 at 06:52 PM

Pat sorry to say this but if you look on internet he has a numerous videos where he says awful things about women. For them the women should stay home,cook clean and look after the kids... Apparently he could go in clubs, seduce any girls he could and like and that is fine because he is a man, aaaand if a girl have interest on him well, that would never meet his standards. A real women in his opinion should never go in a club.

The influence he had on youngs it was impressive, they start talking about women's as being worthless and so on...

May 06 at 05:34 PM

How would someone search for something what they don't know about it? Me for example I always had questions when comes to bible,religion ,questions without answers. Afraid of doubting the bible 🤯 but here I can say there are real ,good people,open hearth,open mind... As to you this seems primitive,if you don't mind me asking, what is your knowledge? Would you share with us? Thank you 😊

May 06 at 05:25 PM

Hi everyone. I'm new to all this but I feel like it's the wright place with all my hearth. I kindly ask you if someone can tell me about meditation? How to do,what to do,what to think? As my mind goes away in many other directions whenever I try to focus on something? Ty all 🤎

Apr 29 at 12:00 PM

Whenever you feel alone,remember we are all unifyd even when we are miles apart,whenever you feel scared have someone to talk to openly.

I suggest we make a chat where we can all talk about our problems,it helps tremendously. What you guys think? ❤️


Apr 29 at 11:56 AM

Hi there. I sufer from anxiety,but recently I have visited a EES centre which was amazing. I spend the night there and next day I feel so fresh,confident,powerful,positive energy... I strongly recommend to visit one of them near you,it really helps. Keep your mind positive,think at beautiful things what makes you happy and let the past in the past. I hope you find the strength as you did when you write this message and keep going forward. Remember,what you put in univers that comes back to you. 😊🤗 ✨️ ❤️
