
Apr 20 at 11:27 AM

And this is why and what makes you part of the problem. Can't see the forest for the trees now can you? Missed the whole point of this interview being included on this platform and it's right there in front of you. The charges against him arent real legit charges and due to these charges ,those of which have no basis, people like you have formed an untrue opinion of him and that spreads like a cancer. The man just explained himself verbally from his own lips yet you still believe the negative narrative that his captors have put out there. And that's why your part of the sheeple herd and not a free thinker of your own accord!!!


Feb 21 at 11:20 AM

Graham Hancock, Greg Braden, Randall Carlson.


Feb 21 at 11:15 AM

What the Bleep do we Know?


Amen!!! The woke left is disgusting for the lengths that they'll go to. We the people need to come together and transcend past this crap and these idiots whom can't tell their asshole from a hole in the ground.