Ivori Reed

What do you say when asked to describe yourself?

May 23 at 01:46 PM

I felt invisible. I couldn't step away from my body and I couldn't turn around n look at myself but I could see my arms and legs like I sat up from my body. I could still hear and see the TV playing. It was hard to wake myself up. One time I could wave my arms but it was like my fingers were vanished or invisible. It's a very strange feeling. I don't know how or why I'm doing it and I feel like I really need answers. Like why I can't move completely away from my body, why can't I turn my head all the way to look at myself, etc


May 22 at 08:52 PM

I need HELP PLEASE!! I have been randomly astral-projecting and it's scaring me to the point I'm nervous to go to sleep at night. I know that it is what I'm doing but I don't fully come out of my body, I'm not able to turn my head enough to look at myself but I can see my hands/legs lying still even when I'm trying to wave them in my face. One time I was able to coordinate with my arms but it was like my fingers were vanished. The last time I astral projected, I saw something I knew wasn't real but at the same time I could see and hear my TV playing so I'm extremely confused, scared and there's hardly anything on the internet about it. At least that I could find.