charles lumkile komanisi

Aug 24 at 09:37 AM

Sister Joyce if you knew how simple&in front of our faces it is,for example the codes in Bible goes like looking for meanings of names of abrahams children&when reading the meaning of their names a pattern of messages reveal themselves in sentence formats&other codes might be written as names of places who knows coz I still have to take my Bible&study it&look4these codes


Aug 24 at 09:33 AM

Sister Marie be authentic about the truth you stand for&be an example of higher living/learning&please don't expect to convince anyone coz those with ears will hear your message&those without won't hear you blowing a trumpet next to their ears let alone talking to them,so my darling please don't be hard on yourself coz when you're at peace with yourself peace automatically becomes a theme around you.GREAT LOVE&BIG'HUGS FOR YOU MY SISTER&I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH&ITS NOT EASY GIVEN YOU CAN SEE HOW OUR FAMILY MEMBERS ARE EXPOSED TO DANGERS OF THIS WORLD


Aug 24 at 09:28 AM

My beautiful sister Julie the only way I know of is when you see too many de'javus all the time&remember dejavu means you already learnt that particular lesson&if you can be mindful/observant enough you'll notice a pattern that ends up leading you to a sort of rabbit hole&at the end is were you get the message behind the journey/ordeal&I also know there's other ways of knowing whether you're ascended/ascending or not but I don't know what


Aug 22 at 09:12 AM

Yes that's true

Teleportation because I will use it to save those i see are in danger/harmsway

Aug 22 at 08:36 AM

Is it possible that the earth we live in was connected with other continents outside the Icewall with one firmament&because of our violent behaviour we ended up being boxed inside this sphere


Aug 16 at 12:14 PM

Thank you my beautiful sister ASHLEY HILEMAN.Johnny Clegg is a British man who came to south Africa during the 1980if Im not mistaken&Johnny fell in love with the Zulu way of living&he basically became one of us by being humble/loving&do you know what Johnny did Ashley?he learnt how to speak my Zulu language&he became known as a white zuluman&he composed music with traditional dancers from Zululand&the song that made me cry was one of his greatest songs he ever done coz he was a man of love/abundance coz he believed if we can be able to look beyond the boundryf colour we would be in peace&I also believe that is fundamental in taking us to the heaven on earth we all dream of

Aug 16 at 12:08 PM

Yes definitely this3is my pick as well& old Charles Xavier,old magneto,ryan'reynolds,Denzel'washington,Samuel l Jackson&some might be indirectly connected to our organisation

Aug 16 at 12:05 PM

Beloved sister FAITH in order to know which movies TLS influenced listen to words they say on set/look for statements that relate to TLS&also the info they give on set in relation to what TLS stands for/mission statement&the recent TLS inspired movie is van helsing series(tunnels/say etc/blood'crimes),adjustment Bureau,doctor'strange are some of movies I can think of


Aug 16 at 04:39 AM

