charles lumkile komanisi

Jan 31 at 12:29 AM

Yes these devis(freemasons)run the world with their vampire brotherhood of death


Jan 31 at 12:28 AM

I hear this devil so called president of mine(ramaphosa)is fighting against47due to the fact47asked him why ramaphosa you don't expatriate land without compensation coz you know what happened&I mean47was trying to give a helping hand by no ramaphosa replies by saying 47must keep his america coz he(ramaphosa)will keep his south'africa&I'm waiting for the day the secretary of states for Africa is implemented then the heads will roll&mind you anc members like fikile mbalula are saying cain(ramaphosa)is so scared that he is like a headless chicken&it's true earthlings the dark side is done with

Jan 30 at 03:12 AM

Many people don't know the dark side of their covenants&when facts are brought forth it becomes hard for them to resonate with truth due to the fact the truth was kept a secret&many people follow blindly because whenever you look at these covenants they show their agenda(signs&symbols)from1st degrees till33degrees&others are ignorant of the fact that they've got themselves into something suspicious&evil looking


Commented on ✌🏽

Jan 30 at 02:29 AM

war is what drives their world

Commented on 🌿

Jan 30 at 02:27 AM

Yes we are coz whatever is in nature is in us&what's in us is in nature


Jan 29 at 01:23 AM

Yes with faith you've got all blessings of having a direct line of communication with the divine feminine&faith keeps humanity in a constant state of knowing the good that is possible throughout nature

Jan 27 at 09:03 PM

Yes it's worth it coz I'm of the opinion it could help me clean the atmosphere/house aura


Jan 27 at 05:59 AM

This is what I kept telling humans/earthlings all the history in the Bible refers2yesterday&today because25%of what is said in the Bible took place ages ago&75%is taking place today&in during the days of berossos&manetho the writers of history in times of Babylon world domination in chaldea there lived a race of vile/evil&devilish people who would splice animal&human genome to create abominable creatures and this article typically shows this devilish act of gene splicing


Jan 27 at 05:46 AM

That's beautiful my brother&I see on unifyd map there are about two centers in south africa but I have seen their location&I'm gonna search for the location&if it's near to my location I will organize transport fare&travel to see the centre because what I would like to have is one ecosystem no matter it's a small one for myself


Jan 25 at 04:59 PM

What a beautiful thing to do&I could see in mom's face she enjoyed every second of the outing