charles lumkile komanisi

Mar 17 at 09:42 AM

You can say that my brother but we need to be aware of those amongst our circles that are egoistic in behaviour bcoz as i live in RSA(capetown=gugulethu)yesterday i was exposed to a dangerous situation because a brother never had an understanding/innerstanding&overstanding in regards to the nature of man and other realities that exist in front of us&the elder'brother smacked me&promised to stab me with a knife and do you know what the brother said after smacking me?he said he is tired of this kid talking2much about life while he as an elder knows everything&theres nothing i should say because hes pissed off at me&i could see theres a knife in the brothers pocket but i was very much ready2fight if he ever take the knife out&the the brother kept insulting me afterwards as if he wanna see what om gonna say so he can jump at me& i kept quiet bcoz another elder brother sitting next2me warned me not to act&just be lets be careful in this road bcoz many fear us

Mar 17 at 09:13 AM

The main thing we(enlightened'ones)need to is spread the message of hope/peace so that the population may becpme aware of the evils done

Mar 17 at 02:41 AM

These people are sick in a way that is unimaginable

Mar 09 at 09:36 AM

My beautiful brothers&sisters we have to consider the fact that we(terra'naki)have been quarantined from galactic affairs due to the fact we are not yet spiritually advanced in order to be able to have direct/close communications because some of the galactic communications are intercepted by disagreable ones&this makes our communications with our galactic families to be conducted in a clandestine way because the collective awareness/vibrations are not good enough to relect the light that needs to be reflected on planet terra&the sad part is that animals have already ascended/advanced to next stage/dimension &humanity is still languishing in poverty/disagreeable'misconduct/lawlessness&rebellion against good&GOD

Mar 07 at 02:51 PM

My beautiful sister please look after your husband because as he is gifted he has a purpose&he is normal theres nothing wrong with him please dont let them fool you because your husband is a KING amongst insects if you get my point my sister

Mar 07 at 02:44 PM

My beautiful sisters you wont believe how far we are in terms of advancement in spirituality compared to what we perceive with our own eyes but if we can looks closer/deeper at this so called ordeal we are going through ywe are gonna find that we(earth'naki)are ones who unconsciously manifest the wrongs we think/believe we are victims of


Mar 07 at 02:41 PM

Hi everyone i hope youre doing well as we strive to live in the now positive/heavenly name is charles komanisi i am from south africa(CAPETOWN),guys we are all doing the good work that TLS&other galactic knights&galactic templars whether we know it or not because if you read between the lines when RAY&RABBI AA talks you gonna see by doing good you are doing exactly what TLS tries to do for humanity from a higher/elevated system than ones we(earth'naki) formed(cia,mossad,fbi&others)for control to divide and conquer everyone on earth&if we can be patient and have love for self&nature especially in regards to preserving every species on mother gaia&what hurt my heart most is that the majority of the population have collective consciousness that evolve around fear,hate&no empathy for anyone else.ladies and gentleman lets FIGHT the GOODFIGHT by way of telling truth&separating lies from truth&expose those who are corrupt&evil because the TIME HAS COME FOR TRUTH TO PREVAIL
