De st. Royed

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Jul 28 at 12:29 PM

ALISHA K MCLEMORE have you experienced another dimension or realm?

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Jul 28 at 12:26 PM

Patricia Ann Neal that's not true in the least bit. I could talk about this for days but bottom line is certain "drugs" do unlock parts of the brain temporarily and can stimulate your pineal thus opening you up to glimpse into other dimensions the spiritual realm. To say what your saying is to tell every shauman alive that their a fraud. Theirs a reason they use these molecules "drugs". Are you going to get out of it what you would get if you did it naturally? Definitely not. Using substances for an inexperienced person is a real dirty way of doing it and in my opinion disrespectful because you blast in create a ruckus in something else's world and then you blast back out without saying excuse me. That's like an alien busting in your livingroom flipping your coffee table and then kicks your dog in the shin and then blasts back out and leaves... you'd be like wtf dude. But en experienced user like a shuaman can be a little more controlling of him self and respectful. Read about DMT. Dmt aka the spirit molecule. Shrooms don't do it. They can but no. Dmt is... if you want to know. If u want to speak to God personally. If you want to see everything and know everything you have got to try dmt. Theirs a dmt Bible. Th realm that dmt takes you too is a real place you will meet up to I think 7 entities that everyone describes when they see them. All the same.. it's mind blowing. Do some research.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Jul 28 at 12:04 PM


May 15 at 09:39 AM

I have carbidopa I use for my RLS... is that a "siter" medication, for lack of a better word, to the drug levodopa?

May 15 at 09:32 AM

It was kept from the media. It was happening we just weren't allowed to know. Kind of like Mexico. That nobody knows about it seems


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

May 11 at 04:41 AM

Aren't we supposed to be riding on a turtles back?

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Apr 27 at 02:24 PM

Faith i find the initial thing intriguing. In the begenning i would see my name in things like in the fabrics of my blanket or the texture on walls and then one day im sitting there and all of a sudden i see words like paragraphs in my girlfriends skin and she thought i was losing it but when i pointed it out to her and showed her she could see the same shit. I could walk away and come back and itd still be there. Then eventually it would disapear only for a different message to appear. Dates and events a lot of nonsense i couldnt understand. Much of it seemed to be in latin or italian.. sometimes it would be star constelations or mathematical equations. But what was always cool is others could see it too if i pointed it out. They couldnt until i said look at it like this or see that and that and then bam they could see it too. So it wasnt just my mind and paradolia it was really there. And then something very peculiar happened to me one night when i was sitting in my camper.
