
Sydney, Australia

Aug 08 at 06:22 PM

I am Always here and Happy to Have a chat and Support and help in any way I can. 

Your not Alone beautiful your just surrounded by people who don’t understand. In this community we understand, we get it. Most of us feel like we are alone simply because the way we see life is so different to the rest of the world, that’s what makes us unique. That’s why we have landed in this community, it’s no coincidence that this is happening now. The people in this community are meant to find each other and connect as our beliefs are the same and not like that of the rest of the world. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. It would be an honour having another friend to send my “Grand Rising Texts” to in the mornings. No matter what Lauren always remember “Your doing your best and that’s okay. Your allowed to feel your emotions and real friends can help you work through them because your not alone. Today do  something that makes you happy remind yourself “YOU are Beautiful and Amazing in every way! ❤️❤️


Aug 08 at 06:09 PM

Oh Sweetheart, you are not alone at all. Unfortunately psychiatrist’s and doctors they don’t care, when we go we are just another case file number and the sad part is we go because we are taught these people will help heal our heart. Fact is these people in these industries over the years have just been programmed to say the same crap, prescribe a Pill (to some people) that’s meant to numb our pain and reality from the hurt and suffering that is going in our brains and lives. 

We as Humans don’t need that Crap! We Love and Compassion and a sincere Heart just to Listen, and a Hug to reassure us in this moment if here and now everything is okay, your okay and we can get through tomorrow being okay. But the secret is Having the Right people in Your corner. 

I am so sorry this system is failing you but please don’t think that this world is failing you. I am speaking from experience and I know how it feels to be alone. This is my email valerie46rossi@gmail. Please reach out and we can connect

Commented on Zeitgeist: The Movie

Aug 05 at 09:56 PM

WoW!!! What an amazing put together piece to showcase what is happening in our world that we Live in.

I found myself crying and hurting for those that have suffered in China, I found myself feeling Angry at those making people turn on each other through different Agendas, Feeling Sick Knowing that a Bunch of People can Dictate and control the world and at the End I’m feeling so emotional and crying again, with goosebumps all over my body as I have felt this right to the core of my soul. Watching this and some what knowing about it all but to see it unfold in a way that is perfectly presented for Everyone to Understand so that they too are know filled with truthful information to empower themselves As a Mother , Father, Teacher , A Living Person to go out there and start making changes. Even if they don’t know what they are doing just sharing this information is in powering to the people of these lands. Sending much Love to the brave souls in communities across the world trying to make a difference. We Got This! We Just Have To Keep Going and Pushing Back! 💟🥰♌️

Aug 05 at 11:44 AM

Hi Fawk 👋 Please Explain The Point Of Your Comment by typing The Word “Gamma’ a 100 times, Maybe I exaggerated the Number of Times because I did not count them, I just scrolled and it kept going and it is of No Value simply a Waste of Time so That’s what I would Like To Know seeing as you spent so much time in making This Comment, Please Explain What it Means Or What is Your Intention Behind It!

Thanks! 🙄🤔🙃

Aug 03 at 05:14 PM

Derrick Graham Anytime mate We Are a Collective of Human Souls Trying to Make This World A Better Place, So We have to Band Together and Unite 💟🥰♌️


Aug 03 at 04:21 PM

Derrick Graham I am in the same Boat “Black Sheep” I literally have no Real Friends and Family…What is that? What dose that even Mean? My only default is that I Love to Hard. However I will not tolerate Disrespect in any way, shape or Form. I put up with so much from ones I Love, but once they over step there mark I call them out on their BS and then I am a Villain in their story. I have come to learn right up until last week that not everyone has the same just basic Moral Compass and awareness “just basic” so now I have one dear friend who is like everyone in here in this community and that’s it. However I too am alone I do have a little girl but it’s just us.

Being Alone isn’t a bad thing. We learn a lot about ourselves in ways others don’t understand, hence why we have no friends or family and I think in this Time on Earth the Shift that is happening Ever so Quietly, People like us are Unique we are vibrating at certain frequencies and anyone and it doesn’t matter who it is if they are not on the same Frequency the universe is making these people eject out of our lives whether we like it or not. And Again that silent shift that is happening is making it possible to remove these certain Low Vibrational people so that We can align with Human Beings On the Same Frequency, hense this Amazingly Awesome Platform.

Slowly “The Black Sheep” are finding what I believe is their Soul Family. I know personally I have meet some amazing Beautiful Souls here and are FB friends now 😃

Never think You are Alone Derrick, You are Never Alone. My mother once told me as a little girl because I used to get bullied so much and had no friends and she said to me “Learn to be your own best friend, and you’ll never be alone” growing up it made no sense as child, however Now…Oh how it make’s perfect sense. I am my own best friend and my little Motto is #IGotMeGodGotMyBack and if I have moments of feeling alone I sit in that feeling and think why? What is making me feel this way, and then I write in my journal. I have been writing in my journal since I was 7-8yrs old, I just turned 45 and still have a journal.

So whenever you feel alone I would highly suggest just getting pen to paper and always remind your self that YOU ARE AMAZING 🤩 YOU ARE BRAVE 🤩 YOUR UNIQUE, there is no one else in this universe like you and the joy you bring to others in your heart you know your own the right path. Keep going Buddy You Got This!!!

P.s If you ever need to chat only a text away, happy to share emails and connect! Stay Happy 😃 Keep Smiling! You make this world a better place.


Aug 03 at 03:47 PM

Margaret Carley Absolutely Sweetheart Spot On! 🥰💟


Aug 03 at 03:44 PM

Derrick Graham Absolutely!!! 💟🥰♌️


Aug 01 at 11:43 AM

I finally got to watch a “Live” this past Monday and it was amazing, Not going to Lie when Selina started crying, I was crying to. What an amazing Show To have a Safe Space where People in this Community get to be Real and Raw No judgement. So Refreshing. And the Advice from Yourself Jason as Always as they say “Hits the Nail on the Head” you always say something I need to hear but didn’t know I needed to hear it until I hear you say what it is your saying! (Hope that made sense😅) Great Show will Definitely be tuning in again Next Monday! 💟🥰♌️


Aug 01 at 11:30 AM

This Man is amazing 🤩
