
Sydney, Australia

Sep 18 at 12:10 PM

Marji Friedmann it wasn’t my phone, I never ever have it activated for that reason.

Sep 18 at 12:09 PM

Hey Derrick 😃 No matter How much of a dark place you are in right Now, remember it’s all a matter of Perception! Now come on buddy how can you say “Nobody would care?!” “”WE CARE”” It’s fair to say that most of us have busy lives and would Love to be on here a lot more than we are participating, but sadly the daily grind gets the better of us sometimes.

I truly Hope you rethink about Leaving this Community as you have made an impact and some really Awesome Friends around the globe! We See You, We Hear You, We Care!!!

Like you say all the time “We are all in this Together! Right?” Then where better to be then this platform where the people here Love the most care the most and share the same common goals and values!

Let’s face it not every day is a bed of roses, but know this, If you are going through some tough times and feeling alone and in a dark place you must try to see it from another perspective. Whatever it is your going through it’s the universe making you go within to elevate yourself to your next level, kind of like levelling up in a game. ( I hope I’m making sense) once you work through that pain acknowledge it process it and let it go, then you start to see the light again. Being who we are is never easy and some have it harder than others but the one thing you must remember Derrick is that “You are not Alone” Reach Out, don’t ever be afraid or to proud especially in this little community. We Got You Buddy, just like you would would be there for anyone else in here.

Now no one can tell you what to do and ultimately the decision comes back to you, but just know in a world so broken and fake, at least when you pop into the little UNIFYD Fam Bam, We are Real, We are all wanting the same thing and that’s just a world of Peace ☮️ and Love 💟

Stay Strong 💪 Buddy!! You Got This!!

And if you do leave, just make sure you always pop back in from time to time and say Hello 👋 x


Sep 16 at 12:02 AM

My 1st rabbit hole was about vaccines and how they were extremely bad and contained HIV. The doctor that was exposing this has now been murdered.

When this all took place in early January 2020 I had a folder on my tv and silly me named it “Rabbit Hole” well Long Story short because my tv had access to YouTube and this is where I was getting all my information, I got locked out of my tv for about 3days.

Now I knew it was suspicious because no other tv was doing the same thing and when I say same thing I mean simply just turning on and starting.

A friend came over and I was explaining what had been happening and this conversation was being had in my lounge room. My friend was staying over for the night.

Once I had finished my conversation about the vaccines and all that other famous stuff, as I said good night and started walking up my hallway (Now bare in mind it’s about 3am, there are no tv’s on or any other devices other than our iPhones) As I’m walking up hallway The phone goes off and it’s Siri saying “Don’t be So frivolous! “ that’s frivolous!” I stop and turn and ask what did you say? She replies, “ Nothing, it was my phone and I don’t even know what the word “Frivolous means.”

I did, I knew exactly what the word meant and it was Siri warning her basically not to believe anything I was saying.

From that moment on I knew, we were entering a whole new world and a whole new Game Of Life!

Sep 15 at 11:48 PM

2019-2020 the beginning of Covid. Having been told we couldn’t go anywhere or do anything due to the great Plandemic, it propelled me in a direction of discovery of the “#Truth” and it’s been an ongoing journey up until present day.

Every day is a day to learn new things, find the truth seek it out, question everything, believe nothing of what I have learnt in the past 40yrs.

Too look back in time and realise I was just another programmed sheep following rules and orders to the present day where I am one with the universe and the only thing I listen to is my own intuition. I lead every day with love my intentions are always to do my best for me and for the collective.

Two complete different time lines and the shift has been very drastic.


Sep 09 at 10:00 AM

Sep 05 at 08:01 AM

UNIFYD is a place that feels like Home! In this world that we live in Everything being so Fake, Everything moving So Fast, People saying One Thing meaning another.

You come over to UNIFYD and it’s that!! We come together and the members in here we unify with each other, it’s a safe place to let go and say the things on your mind without being judge or ridiculed or laughed at. It’s a Happy Place, it’s my Happy Place.

For me personally the information on this platform is so helpful and insightful and I love sharing what I learn from here.

Every night since becoming a member I watch a series and fall asleep to it that now I can’t go to sleep unless I’ve have it just playing in the dark, (weirdo….Yes I know) …..Lol

UNIFYD has become a new part of my life that I love the most. The new friendships alone are priceless. It’s not just a community with like minded people but it’s becoming a soul vibe family connection with people all around our globe! I have nothing but Love to the creators of this amazing platform. And thanks must be given to TLS also as without them Quitely in the background I don’t think any of this would’ve been possible. Team UNIFYD now and Forever 💟🥰💟

The Great Awakening for me by far has been the most amazing well put together piece that the story being told made you feel Every Emotion from happiness to sadness and all in between. 💟💟💟

Aug 31 at 12:44 PM

Electric Cars do more harm to this planet. All of those lithium farms and the useless supply of new electric just sitting on yards. Waste of resources, they Are directly harming the planet it’s just no one sees the invisible pain it brings to our planet.


Aug 31 at 12:40 PM



Aug 31 at 06:38 AM

Sydney- Australia 🇦🇺
