
Sydney, Australia


Jun 20 at 09:52 AM



Jun 15 at 10:05 AM




May 24 at 11:03 AM

💙🧿🙏 💟🥰♌️


Apr 15 at 06:08 AM

🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ Excuse Me #Unifyd-social Team,
Now today has been a Very Crazy energetic day for me and Now I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ if anyone else has picked this up but I’m in Australia and it says Monday and the date says Tuesday so I’m a little confused 🫤 or Maybe 🤔 I just need some sleep it’s been a long day. 🤣
💙🧿🙏 Thank You 🙏 For Your Time.



Apr 15 at 05:45 AM

This Morning when I woke I saw the sun coming through my window and the Light Looked As Beautiful as This picture. As I stared into the Morning Glow in my room I noticed that it was all swirling around and it was moving towards me. I put my hand out and I felt a magnetic connection. My reaction not going to Lie was WoW 😯 oMG! I then got my other hand and put my hands together and I could see the energy between my hands 🙌 . I was able to grab it and make a ball and blow it, stretch it in and out, it’s like nothing I have ever seen before
It was looking like Gold Fairy floss with the texture that I can’t describe but I could mould this energy like slime it was moving like slime.
I was in utter disbelief and I called my 7yr old daughter and I’m “ Look, Look can you see this” She can see it too! She is awe 🫢 Just as much as me. She too couldn’t believe what was happening.
Has Anyone else had any experience like this ???