Stephanie L

Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Sep 11 at 10:25 PM

Yes, science has been able to replicate the Big Bang , on a very small scale in a controlled environment .. they continue to study it but they haven't really made sense of it either.

Sep 11 at 10:12 PM

That's exactly how you avoid being cleansed in LOD addressing your trauma and past while your alive.

Not all trauma and past experiences is going to land you into LOD .. but you will definitely come back here (new body) & will need to eventually clear up that stuff so you aren't coming back here over and over again.

Sep 11 at 10:09 PM

If you fulfill your soul purpose for the human experience , you are no longer required to return to earth.

You then can continue to experience being a soul in the other higher places. With the goal of eventually returning to source (the highest you can go ). The climb to the higher places is like a ladder, you have to do each step -and it's just like here. There is a goal and purpose to reach before you can go up to the next step.

Sep 11 at 10:02 PM

From what I understand , a spark of your soul can be in the land of a darkness while your here & living. Ray removed a soul spark from the land of darkness because that soul spark belonged to a good friend..

then said it benefit his friend greatly from the trauma in this life time

So I would say, yes perhaps you were tapping into the part of your soul that is in the land of darkness.

Sep 11 at 09:45 PM

By what Ray is saying, the coma state is what sends the soul to the place to be erased. How the body dies or even if the body lives, that original soul is forever gone. There doesn't seem to be any exceptions to the rule.

Sep 11 at 09:35 PM

Me too. I'm tempted to come back as a rock .. at the bottom of the ocean where only weird sea creatures can access my location. 😂 ya know just like a break from the surface matters

I'm joking mostly .. I have positive intent that this world will be balanced again

Sep 11 at 09:29 PM

The Q & A isn't until Monday - you didn't miss it. :)

God, source, however you like to call that . Isn't something we can fully grasp as humans

ascending into the higher dimensions means the more we understand- but until then .. we are trying to figure this all out from a limited perspective

So the WHY a lot of time doesn't make sense

Either because someone is explaining it wrongly (we are human ) or because we as humans can't make sense of it

Sep 11 at 09:16 PM

Zoroastarian isn't talked about a lot which is suprising. Another interesting one is "cathars" - tbey are consider Christianity Hersey - unfortunately they were killed off for that reason. But they hold similar beliefs to the zoroastarians

It's a privacy thing - and if you have your real background people will nit pick it & won't listen to your message if they find something that they dislike

It's a perception of choice

Some nod to pretend they're listening to you. Others will nod to confirm to you they are following along and for some it's a sign of agreement.

Since he is verbally bringing up the topics spoken and verbally in agreement - it's not a negative nod