Stephanie L

Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Aug 09 at 04:12 AM

It's literally meditating side by side.

Like how people do group meditations. Everyone's energy is contributing and it makes the meditation more powerful.

With your partner, who you are spiritually ONE with, your two energies complete the circle and that is the most powerful meditation experience you can have.

I personally haven't done it yet, but I know how stronger it is with a group- even complete strangers - so it makes sense a meditation with your partner would take it up to a whole other level..

if I was to start meditating with my husband .. I would start by having us both listen to the same guided meditation.. or have one of us guide the meditation for the both of us. Then when the new experience becomes more comfortable - we would try sitting together in silent meditations.

Hope this helps :)


Aug 09 at 03:51 AM

A lot of people hold on.. even at deaths door. Usually Because they are concerned about someone else they love. Usually someone who is struggling. They worry them leaving will deeply impact them.

If she can communicate clearly, maybe ask her what is on her mind, is she worried about something ? Is she scared ? Or...

Telling them "we will be fine, you can go now " will help with them transitioning over.

A lot of people experience "visitors" before passing- they are there to walk with you when your soul leaves your body. So I would say if she doesn't feel ready to go, she's probably getting frustrated with the "visitors" and literally wants them to leave her alone. Not to come back until she is ready.

You don't know where your soul is heading until you die from the human body. So I don't think she's scared of whomever she is seeing.

Your concerns are valid. A lot of people worry where their loved ones could be going or where they are. Heck we worry about ourselves too, way before death.

Just remember the soul is immortal .. so it's not goodbye, it's til we meet again.


Aug 09 at 03:11 AM

Great question.. because even if we said "okay, I'll do it by Jewish law even though I'm not Jewish " I highly doubt they would do it for us.

That would be "cherry picking" their laws - and trust me religions do not like it when you cherry pick


Jun 07 at 12:14 AM

I may not be Ray, or maybe I am ;) Just kidding..

I've watched his interviews & read his writings that are available so far.. so I think I can help..

good : things from the earth in its pure form. If it grows from trees, bushes, the ground.. bueno. Organic is best. But if it's not accessible or affordable.. eating from the earth in general is better than eating modified foods..

bread.. can be bad for you or great. If your buying the stuff that can sit for a month on your shelf it's crap. I personally like Dave's killer bread.

Keep in mind the things from the earth- If cooked or frozen.. it's been zapped of most of its nutrients .. but once again cooked earth foods better than junk food

It's best not to eat meat. It's consider "dead" food. Last I know of, Ray isn't vegetarian. But he does know and speak of the importance of not eating meat

A vegan diet is the most natural route you can go..

if you consume animal products, find a farm locally who treats their animals humanely. A happy cow will have happy energy associated with its products. Plus you will be putting money in your local community. No farms near by? Organic from the store.

Mindful eating.. we humans eat WAY more than we actually need. Smaller portions, eat less often.

Your body is 80 percent water. So water consumption is IMPORTANT.

Avoid beverages full of chemicals .. full of processed crap

No bueno = man made crap. Man altered crap. Smoking chemicals, drinking chemicals, pharmaceuticals (please do not stop meds that literally keep you alive)

Consuming anything that chemically changes the brain in a negative way. Alcohol a depressant, slows your brain down. Spikes you with sugar. Negative results happen. Dehydrates you. Can kill you over time health wise or because of a bad decision

Try to use organic or natural beauty products (shampoos lotions make up skin care etc) get filters for your water. The shower the kitchen the sinks. There is so many chemicals in our water.. our body absorbs them.

Positive thoughts. Positive words. Positive expression.

Meditate often. Balancing your energy. Releasing things that do not serve you. Grounding & connecting. Exploring.

Avoid negative energy as much as you can.. and when faced with negative energy do not let it consume you. For example.. Politics should be for your knowledge. Not to divide you from others. Cause fear.. etc your negative reaction to it shifts you.

Practice oneness connection to all. Take care and respect all. You are them and they are you. See yourself in others, the trees, the air, etc

Be of service to others and all living things. Community work. Donations. Etc

Teach/learn. Learn/teach

Be present. Be aware.

Sexual desires: sex is for reproduction - I know I know too strict right ? Sex is an energy exchange be mindful who you share energy with. Over active sexual appetite is acting from your animal instincts which is lower than the human consciousness and we're trying to go higher not lower . Sex should be pleasure for both. Not a selfish desire for personal release. Rays "teacher" said every time you release you shave time off your lifespan. Sex should not have negative consequences on your life or others ..

I think I covered most the bases?


Jun 06 at 11:22 PM

Just wanted to THANK YOU for the subtitles ! 🤍🤍🤍🙌🙌


Cassandra Smith I am using Duolingo it's a free app for Hebrew currently.. if you watch their ads and work their system.. if you do not want to do all that, you can buy their subscription.. either way it gives you access to all languages to learn. A pretty great deal and it's fun. I learned 107 Hebrew words in less than 24 hours at 90 percent accuracy - that's how much fun I was having. 🤍

If Enoch did/did not write the book doesn't matter, what matters is finding the truth within the writing just like Solomon didn't write the keys of Solomon, the material still came from him. Not purely his work since he didn't write it but still based on his work.


From my understanding... the codes were figured out and being misused by not so "good" people for a really bad intent. So language was confused so they could no longer execute the plan.

I'm speaking vaguely to inspire people to search into what I say and see what resonates. I know the religious story to the tower. The Kabbalist story to the tower.. the cosmic story of the tower. Etc etc

Jun 06 at 10:28 PM

I'm learning Hebrew 🙌❤️‍🔥

Jun 06 at 10:26 PM

ab no it doesn't .. :(