Stephanie L

Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Jun 03 at 12:57 AM

Thank you !

Jun 02 at 04:34 PM

It's about the ambassador program ...



May 24 at 01:21 AM

Hopefully the masses wake up soon. You don't mess with the very thing that gives us the ability to live(Mother earth/nature) . A small mistake and it could backfire ten fold.


May 14 at 03:59 PM

I know someone who was in the knights Templar.. he no longer is. A lot on the list was new to me.. but I recognized a few.


I'm a CNA. I appreciate you nurses ! ❤️❤️


Commented on Remote Viewing 2025

May 09 at 11:21 PM

Our minds are powerful tools, especially when it's a mass thought ! If you worry and think about a horrible future, that's what you will get.

I'm gonna stay positive, materialize an utopia not chaos & corruption.

I believe there is two time lines .. I'm picking the good one.. ☝️

May 09 at 07:28 PM

I'm a cancer.. my 3 evolutions is cool!

Wow , that was amazing. My new dream platonic date would be having a call with R. Edward Grant. Not video chat because I freeze up LOL he needs to experience the full wrath of my mind. 😂

The view of the chamber would suggest this timeline. Is the past tapping into the future aka present ? The opposite ?. Is it proof that all timelines are existing together ? Or is a prophecy that this timeline is the timeline to unlock this information?

Whoever scrubbed the wall, boo on you. I do enjoy all the labor you put into it, just for it to still be alive in the foundation ..

we need more interviews!



Apr 27 at 09:11 PM

I've never idolized or followed celebrities.. I don't watch the news. I am careful what I read and watch on social media. Spending less and less time on it.

I spend more time now meditating, praying, reading, researching... I ask my third eye to show me truth, my intuition to guide me on what is deceiving or not. I ask the creator to not let my research distract me, not let the bad news interfere negatively , any negative news is a lesson, not a feeling to absorb and it's not to unbalance me with fear. Do not let fear misguide me, let it empower me to continue on the right path. I ask my ears to hear the message.

I ask my heart to love unconditionally and with compassion. I ask my mind to be positive, my words to be positive, my intent to be positive.