Connie Normington

I am a QQHT practitioner.

Iwas pleased to hear Dolores Cannon mentioned andgiven credit for her contribution to this amazing work.


I believe that some typ of vibration caused the molecule in the solid rock to bcome malleable

As a regressionist, this fascinates me.I lovel ookng at the past and how it has brought us to where we are now. Thank you guys


Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Aug 24 at 01:17 AM

Excellent disgussion. Thank you Jason and Ray. Much love to you both.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 4

Aug 24 at 12:29 AM

I am a regressionist. I verify everything Ray said about the proof of reincarnation. I have personally heard people tell me under hypnosis about past lives. I have been regressed and I have seen several of my own past lives.

Commented on Sirius

Aug 22 at 09:35 AM

Dr. Greer is awesome


Commented on Patient Seventeen

Aug 22 at 09:19 AM

So, he actually had an alien implant! OMG!

Commented on Patient Seventeen

Aug 22 at 09:17 AM

Arseenic? This sounds like something from an unfriendy earth organization would do.


Aug 22 at 09:09 AM

I am looking forward to this one. ❤

Commented on Patient Seventeen

Aug 16 at 07:38 PM

I doubt there are any malevolent ETs visiting earth.